Sep 05, 2011 23:27
Is our great nation now with us no more?
The shops are all closed, the empty halls still,
The cupboards are bare, we now close the door.
On terror and drugs we had declared war,
On poverty too - but can't foot the bill.
Is our great nation now with us no more?
Where once we had hope, our hearts they did soar -
Ground into dust by life's merciless mill.
The cupboards are bare, we now close the door
On unfulfilled notions, on anymore
Dreams of grandeur. We must close up the till.
Is our great nation now with us no more?
We sacrifice to Mammon, greedy whore
Demanding fealty, act of pure will.
The cupboards are bare, we now close the door
On all our horizons, upon the shore
We lay. Then suddenly all things are still.
Is our great nation now with us no more?
The cupboards are bare, we now close the door.