Jan 12, 2009 11:51
My Saturday was full of not-usual events.
I got out of bed for a lovely conversation with dear Tish. The best part of waking up.
I found out paying tuition put me in the hole by a lot because, silly me, I got my checking and savings balences mixed up.
I ran to the bus so I could get to school on time with my pants, comically, nearly falling off. I ran with one hand on my backpack and one hand on my belt.
I arrived at school to find no class. That's what happens when you check the TIME of a class and not the DATE of a class. Silly me to simply assume that the first week of classes would be the first week of class.
I went to target and debated what envolopes to get. It was so intense that I had to call my mom and ask her opinion. She said my phone call was riviting.
I realized, just in time, that my wallet was not in my purse but in the cart and so, thus, did not leave it in the Target parking lot.
I put many frozen foods in my basket at Safeway and happilly got in the 15 items or less line. Right before it was my turn to check out I wondered, 'Is my wallet in my purse?'. It was not. I just put it on the passenger seat after getting it out of the cart. I put the frozen foods all back in a freezer and got my wallet.
I was the last person in line to check out before the teller's shift ended. I asked if she'd turned off the light before I got there and she said I was the last one before she turned it off. We had a laugh about customers who don't pay attention.
On retreving my keys out of my pocket I pressed the panic button. I spent the next 10 minutes panicing trying to get the car to stop beeping and flashing its lights. When it was over (and I had stoped crying, because I knew nothing else to do in that situation) I said that at least I provided something different for the other people in the parking lot. Even though they offered me advice I'd already tried. My advice for other peopel this happens to is, no matter what you try, if it dosen't work the first time, stop doing it and simply wait for the timmer on the panic button to run out, because it does eventually.
I got home and watched Doctor Who. I was excited because Elizabeth from the early-mid years of ER was on it. She provided some plot-thickaning for the series. She also has amazing curly hair. I love her. In the two roles i've seen her in she's always been smart, and sexy, and curly.
Four sentenses in the book I'm reading lead to a revelation about my own life. It made me text-message my brother at midnight. Because he was hours away and I was alone in the house.
I was frequently woken up becasue the cats, despite me wanting them to sleep ON the bed slept IN the bed. Apparently the box spring is a favorite hiding spot of theirs.
SO it was interesting. If it wasn't rainy the whole time I probably would have enjoyed it more, but none of it was things that are life changing in a bad way, and hardly any of it was life changing at all. I was very pleased with myself for not letting some of the things add up to a pissy mood, because, hey, they all lead to a noteworthy day.