Mar 30, 2007 10:22
I'm back at school and so much is going on I'm actually doing my work. This is my first time back on livejournal since befor spring break, so about 1/2 a month ago. I don't have time for it, and reading peoples posts is hard now. It is at the point in term for Antiochians, even abroad, that for the most part all I want to do is drop everything so that we can make our personal worlds better; it's at the point with Austinites that all I want to do is be back there to be with them for what they're doing. I don't even have time to read all the posts I need to. But I can't abandon my work, because I actually am enjoying it/ or I feel it needs to be done and that it will be good for me as a person to get it done, and in a few cases both. Even though I'm neglecting every person I care about right now, including myself, I don't want to but don't see how not to, and feel like it is the only way I can do things right now.
Now to edit poems for the literary magazine, do a reserch paper, write a short story, plan a fair for Day Care, and shave my legs for Harold Pinter. and no, don't think I have a significant other, he is a playwrite and for one of the sceans of his that I'm in I have to shave for, I haven't done that in AGES I don't want to, I miss my leg hair already. Oh, and the plays go up tonight, then saturday and sunday and next friday and saturday, if you're in Ohio, you should come.