Jun 06, 2010 01:58

Ok... SO. I just need to get this out! I am ADDICTED to LUSH! Like, in a baddd way. Lol. I have ordered online 4 times!!! Two times from the US site and Two times from the UK site. (the UK site is way cheaper!)

So my very first order contained the following:

- Rockstar Soap
- Godmother Soap
- Yummy Yummy Yummy Shower Gel
- Bubble Gum Lip Scrub
- Strawberry Feels Forever Massage Bar

Yep. So. When I got my package (which came really quick {2days}!) I rushed and opened it. I was so excited. But when I opened it and smelled it, I was like, Uhm.. Yeah. Not smelling so good. So I was a little sad. I did LOVE the way the bubble gum lip scrub smelled though, and tasted!
But the rest was like aww. so many people raved about them.

Dont worry though. My nose got used to the soap smells. I am in LOVE with Rockstar. I have been smelling it all day today! I took a shower and used Godmother the other day. Like it. Dont love it though. Rockstar was used in the shower yesterday and I'm just like AHHH! I love it so much!

I cant for the life of me get used to the smell of Strawberry Feels Massage Bar. Ick!! Also Yummy Yummy Yummy. It smells just like the massage bar. Bleh.

Aaron likes the smell. So he can use it, Lol. Hey, I already gave him a massage with the massage bar.

Ok, on to the next. I placed another order the day after my first one because I was on the site and I saw that they had the mothers day and easter items on sale. I havent gotten the package yet though. Im still waiting.

So here is a list of what I ordered:

- Hippy Chick Bath Bomb x2
- MUM Candy Fluff Flower Bath Bomb x2
- MUM Sakura Flower Bath Bomb
- MUM Still Life Flower Bath Bomb
- Honey Bun Bath Bomb x2

Yeah, everything there was on sale for $2.00. Which is pretty good since the MUM ones were originally $7.95 and the others were $3.95 and $4.95. But anyway, Im really looking forward to getting those.

Then for my 3rd order which I did on the UK site:

- I should CoCo Soap
- Lemony Flutter Cuticle Butter
- Rehab Shampoo
- Vanilla In The Mist Soap

and my 4th order, also from the UK site:

- Sweetie Soap Stack
- The Comforter Bubble Bar

and thats it.

Im excited for the Sweetie Soap Stack because that comes with 3 different soaps. Im not sure of the size, but I will soon find out huh. Anyway, that stack comes with: Rockstar Soap (LOVE!), I Should CoCo Soap and Honey I Washed The Kids Soap. I cant wait.

Oh and I should mention that I plan on making a trip down to Anaheim to go to a LUSH store!! Im thinking Im going to go monday, since Im off. So YAY! SO SO SO EXCITED.

Well, I guess thats it for now. I just HAD to blog this! Lol.


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