Aug 12, 2005 21:16
It's been a few days since I was able to get online. I'm lucky this place gives complementary internet service. The other places I had service I had to steal it from wandering signals in space, which can be quite sketchy... but yay, its time for me to talk and babble. And talk about babbling. It's one big babble-fest, I say.
But you're reading it, so either you don't mind or are incredibly bored. ... or you fancy me to an extreme level and want to find out everything I say and who I talk about, but sadly, I doubt there are any of THOSE around... or any hot ones, anyway.
I had a dream the other night, the first real good dream I've had in ... ever? But that's the thing, what I don't like about good dreams is that they aren't true. Well, anyway, I dreamed that I had applied to Harvard and a week later, I had an acceptance letter from them, and, oddly enough, Yale, even though I didn't apply to Yale. Then I was talking with my adorable friend Ryan (Shershan, not Bauer thank God) at some department store and we were talking about me getting in. What's cool about Ryan is that he and I can talk for a long time and really not say anything to eachother that would upset the other. He really is a good friend. :-D Sadly, his ex thinks he's the worst ever (lol, even when they were dating), which is sad, because I don't think he's over her. But it wasn't going to last.
But in the end, they never last.
Well, supposedly.