c'est fini!

Jun 21, 2005 15:37

My recording job is finished! Hurray! It's not that I didn't enjoy it (I actually did), it's that it was taking time away from my dissertation. Anyway, I beat all records and finish in just 11 hours. 15 hours was the minimum they had planned.

For those who like trivia, I'm the moderator of trivia_rockout for the 10-round game that just started. I will post a question every day. It's really fun and low-key, so you should check it out! You are officially invited.

Also, I seriously need to start taking pictures again. I just need to take the camera with me more often. I will nevertheless continue pictures of my March-April trip to France and its surrounding countries. I posted all the pictures I wanted from Strasbourg, so we're on to Switzerland. I've posted several already, which I won't repeat. But here's one I can't believe I haven't posted yet. It reminds me of a postcard setting, yet it's real. A real Swiss creamery.

Guillaume Tell - Gioacchino Rossini
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