même pas tombée!

Jun 13, 2005 19:17

My horse riding lessons are on Mondays, so today was obviously a good day. I jumped, and while it wasn't my best day, it went okay. My hand position has improved, although it's not what I'd like it to be (I still forget to grab some mane). And I still can't think of a jump far enough ahead, but that should come with time (who knows when...). A good ( Read more... )

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mwana_isimu June 14 2005, 02:07:01 UTC
Man, I got really sweaty yesterday after my run. I'm glad it didn't accumulate into foam! That would have been really embarrassing!

I like your mom's street. I wish we had more streets like that in the U.S. and less big box McMansion houses with huge, water-guzzling yards nobody spends any time in, so far away from everything that you have to drive everywhere.


sourisverte June 14 2005, 02:44:18 UTC
What you can see on that picture is dog poop everywhere on the street! But if that was different, yes, it'd be a great street to live on! It's fairly quiet, a 20 minute walk to downtown (the bus station is right at the corner though), and they're building the a tram line too now there (it's a mess now, but it'll be great once it's over). There's a post office, a pharmacy, all kinds of doctors, many schools, many parks, and two supermarkets within 10 minutes of walking. I miss that a lot! The only sad thing is that there aren't any bakeries withing walking distance anymore. There used to be two and they have closed down now. There used to be a "boucherie/charcuterie" but that closed down a while ago too.


jodamiller June 14 2005, 04:23:12 UTC
Do you think we tested that 20 minutes walk time enough that summer?


sourisverte June 14 2005, 12:09:09 UTC
I sure do!


mwana_isimu June 14 2005, 15:32:19 UTC
Ah, yes, dog poop. I think it's kind of weird how many dog owners in France don't consider it part of their responsibility as dog owners to clean up the poop of their dogs. That's hard for me to understand.

A tram line there sounds great. I wish they could get the tram project here in U-C off the ground, but there are too many people against it because they don't understand how public transit works.


sourisverte June 14 2005, 18:19:06 UTC
A tram would be great here, indeed. There would be a lot less pollution, and it would clear traffic a bit. But I wonder if C-U is big enough for one. They had that story about 2 years ago on the local news here, and they showed pictures and videos of the Strasbourg tram, and they didn't even mention Strasbourg, those jerks. How can you not credit a video you show on the air.... I was mad!

As for the dog poop, my mom picks it up because for about 6 months or so the city of Strasbourg has been giving away for free little plastic bags. Before that, her dogs would go "au caniveau", but she would bring a plastic bad in case of "accidents". But now she picks them up all the time. As far as I know, she's the only one doing it in her neighborhood, which is increasingly worse whenever I visit. IN Switzerland it was great, though. IN parks they have little stations with free bags every so often, so you don't even need to remember to bring your own bags. But in France I'm sure if those stations existed, they would be out of bags all the time!


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