j'ai la mémoire qui flanche, je m'souviens plus très bien

May 19, 2005 08:53

Again, here's a brief update on my busy life. These past days I've been catching up on Star Wars movies, watching them all again (starting with episode 3) before going to see the last one tonight at 10. I've seen them all, but I've never watched them with all my attention (except for episode 2, the only one I saw in the theater). It turns out I had missed many details of the story, especially in the early films, and things make more sense now.

Added to that, I started teaching again on Tuesday. I teach 4 hours in a row every other day. My first day went well and fast. Hopefully it'll run as smoothly for the next two weeks.

In addition, I'm working on my dissertation. Things are going better now that I've started writing. I'm finding my style now. But I still need to learn how to do statistics.

Furthermore, I seriously need to take my Latin exam when the Fall semester starts. I would HATE to have to take the class which meets 4 days a week right when the rink is open. Why can't they offer Latin in the summer??!!! Because my attempt at teaching myself Latin miserably failed (although not for lack of motivation), I've decided to hire a tutor to help me once a week to train specifically for the exam. That will not save me any money, but it will save me time I hope.

Last but not least, I've started leasing Red. I rode him all by myself yesterday afternoon and spent 2 hours and 15 minutes at the barn. I only rode 40 minutes, and the rest of the time was devoted to cleaning his stall and water buckets, as well as sweeping, and grooming him very well. I'm planning on doing a deep cleaning like this once of week, and it should take me less and less time as I get used to it. On other days, I'll also clean, but not as frantically! Oh, and I forgot to take the camera with me, but next time I go (tomorrow) I won't, and I'll post pictures of Red.

In the mean time, here are some pictures from Place Kléber in Strasbourg. I am lost as to what pictures I've already posted, so I'll just start over and follow the order of my photo album.

You Rule My World - John Ellison Conlee
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