le fantôme de l'opéra

May 04, 2005 15:15

Monday was a good day. I ice-skated and rode Andi. Cat said that next week she'll raise the bars :-)

Tuesday was a busy day. I ice-skated and went to the vet so Presto's eye could be rechecked (it's healed). I also stopped by the bank and insurance to get proofs that Josh and I are still living together, for immigration. And I also had a dentist appointment. My teeth are doing great.

In the evening, Josh and I went to see The Phantom of the Opera at the Virginia Theater. I had never seen the musical, which I assume is better because live theater usually is, but I enjoyed the film a lot. My favorite scene is at the beginning, when they lift the chandelier and a "cleansing wind" enters the theater. I thought that the two main actors did excellent performances. As for the lead actress, she mostly used one facial expression, i.e. that of amazement with her mouth opened, but I donʼt see what else she could have done when not singing. I was also hoping that the version of the song "The Phantom of the Opera" would be updated and sound less 1980s than in the musical, but they actually managed to make it sound even more 1980s by adding some sort of synthesized clapping. What the...?

Today is a sad day. It's the last day the rink is open. I of course skated, and managed to do a sit spin with an alternative arm position that I had been trying for a while. I also got complimented on my camel/sit spin combination. And I got a few more lutzes in for the heck of it. We all said goodbyes and made ambitious plans to see each other over the summer.

Skating today was much appreciated. I had an appointment with my advisor which made me want to quit everything and open a horse barn or something that doesn't require writing a dissertation. A 8-5 desk job sounds nice right now. All of a sudden, she confronted me about how I did my perception study, and I felt really crappy about it afterwards. She also wants to send me back to Switzerland, and I just don't want to. It's too hard, and I want to be done with all of it, not have more data to analyze! By the end of the meeting, I understood that she asked me about all the details of my study for my own good, so I could write them all down in my thesis, but it only emphasized how poorly organized it was. But I can't blame myself too much for it. Hey, I've never done that before, and my advisor didn't help me at all with the manipulations and didn't provide any comments on them. So it upset me that she made comments now suggesting I go back to implement the suggestions she made. I wish she had made them before. Before leaving, she must have seen how discouraged I was and said I had good stuff, and should be able to have written half of my thesis by September. I hope it's true.

Here's more goosey-action for your enjoyment.

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