
May 21, 2008 09:14

Sherry was woken by the sound of her phone, ringing at some time around Ungodly Hour of the Night. After debating for a few seconds whether it was worth it, she forced herself out of her bunk to see who was calling, and answers immediately when she recognized the number.

“What happened to Jake?”

There was only one reason Gabe would be calling her, middle of the night or not. They were not friends. They were barely even friendly, except for Jake’s sake. When he had succeeded in driving her out of the place she had called Home, she had lost any lingering regard that had remained for him. When he had tried to kill himself, the only thing that had kept her praying that he would make it was that she didn’t want to see Jake’s heart further broken. For Gabe to be contacting her, she knew only something horrible could have happened.

“You need to go home to him.”

His voice was quiet, edged in a tone that would’ve made it hard for her to believe it was Gabe. He sounded vague and exhausted, and something about it made her blood run cold with anger.

“What did you do to him this time, you selfish, thoughtless prick?”

“I drove Gina away. It seems to be a talent of mine, costing the people I love the ones they love. Wonder if I could make some kind of job out of that.”

Sherry rolled her eyes. She never had and never would be any good at sympathy, most especially for him.

“Save your pity party for someone that actually gives a shit about you, because you know damn fucking well I’d be content with you rotting away from the dozens of diseases you should be infected with by now if it wouldn’t kill Jake too.”

“Yeah. I get it. Gabe is a selfish bastard who destroys everyone and everything in his path to getting what he wants. Considering even Jake has said as much to me now, I think it’s pretty well established as a fact.”

“Well at least he finally developed a bit of sense and sees you for who you actually are now. Though even I had held out hope that you couldn’t fuck up so bad as to kill Jake’s faith like that.”

“Well apparently I’m even worse than you thought. Go figure.”

Sherry shook her head, her voice laced with her blatant disgust for him.

“If you actually give a shit about him at all, do him a favor and stay the fuck away from him. I’m sick of watching you repeatedly break his heart. He deserves better, and you know that.”

Gabe was quiet for a moment before responding.

“You’re right. …I’m sorry. I’ll stay away. Just… go home. He misses you, and he’s going to need people loving him, since I’m sure Gina is gone now. Tell him I’m looking for her and will send her home when I find her.”

The line went dead then, and Sherry had no interest in trying to call him back. All she cared about now was finding a way home to look after Jake.
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