Aug 20, 2011 23:56
Today, I was desperate enough to squint past thousands of Chinese road names on Google Map just to find my old home in Shanghai. It felt more like home than Singapore has ever done, probably because we were always there as a family. It just feels empty here. I miss the acrid smoke, the explosion of firecrackers at 1am, squinting at the sky and wondering if it's really going to rain or is it just the haze wafting from the industrial area, sprinting to KFC in my t-shirt and hoodie at 0 degrees, sitting at Starbucks slurping up coffee jelly with my mum, eating at random Chinese food-stalls, going out with Luna jiejie, writing Chinese essays for her, falling asleep on the couch and being sat on by my dad. Watching random shows on CCTV1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8, going to Xinhua Shu Ju and buying tons of unbelievably cheap paperbacks, accosted by the requisite loquacious taxi-drivers,being slipped free apples by the fruit vendor, and requesting for certain shows from my very reliable DVD auntie.
Now I'm just back to looking at things I don't believe in, and welling with frustration at how I've managed to forget my photobucket password again and deprive myself the joy of posting a picture of our perennially grumpy guardcat, Ginger Kor.