Monaboyd Drabble that got huge, somehow.

Apr 12, 2006 00:43

Title: Association
Fandom: LOTR RPS
Paring: Dom Monaghan/Billy Boyd
Rating: NC-17
Prompt: psych_30 #14: Fixation, philosophy_20 #13: Love Beyond Desire (or maybe vice versa)
Word Count: 785 (Holy crap, this got to fic length?)
Warnings: Slash, mild bondage, not beta’d, so there’re lots of run-ons I don’t know how to fix.
Disclaimer: I do own Dominic Monaghan, in fact. But I pretty much let him roam free in exchange for sexual favors.
Feedback: is quite appealing.
Summary: There are two big places not to say the wrong name. One of them is in bed.
A/N: For georgia_mason for feeding this evil plot bunny with her wonderful untitled fic found here (I hope she doesn't mind me reccing). I used a few Maroon 5 lyrics, if you can find them, extra cookies.

Dom feels a drip of sweat slip down his nose at a tantalizingly slow pace. His befuddled and love drunk mind won’t comprehend anything else until it slides off.

His agony is saved by the strong tremor that shoots through his body and shakes the drop off.

His shirt still hangs off him; it shakes with every stroke coming from behind him. He still wears it because Billy never took it off him. Billy doesn’t need Dom to be naked to take what he wants.

Dom is in too much ecstasy to hear clearly. He can’t really think of why Billy would be whispering under his breath about someone named ‘Al’ right now.

Dom wishes he could see Billy’s face, glowing with lust (or so he hopes), but Billy’s seen to it that Dom can’t see anything. He wishers that Billy could see him, that Billy would look at him. But Billy doesn’t need to see him to do what he’s here to do.

The fever in his mind won’t let Dom know what Billy’s most recent oath to someone named ‘Leigh’ means.

And then he can’t think of anything but Billy. Billy’s hands roaming his body, Billy’s mouth biting his neck and then pulling away to grunt predatorily, Billy’s cock pushing forward and arching back, bringing him closer to heart attack. White-hot pleasure pains course through his body every time Billy touches him.

But by the third time Billy speaks, Dom knows what he is saying. Immediately, the bottom drops out of his stomach. Anger, confusion, and pain, the rudest awakening he’s ever had from his near-release euphoria.

Now every time Billy touches him, it hurts. And Dom wants nothing more than to cry ‘stop’ and run, but he doesn’t want to egg Billy on. So instead, he thrusts his hips back at Billy. It hurts, and Dom hates it, but wants it. Maybe it’s to punish himself for being stupid enough to let this happen, or maybe it’s just to end it quicker, he doesn’t know, because his mind is still clouded with emotion, but now it’s hate, rage, and disgust.

He feels Billy’s hand sliding up his leg, toward his penis, the first time Billy’s even acknowledged he’s there, but he brushes it away. He takes it with his own hand and jacks as fast as he can. By force of will only, he makes himself come. It’s the most pitiful excuse for an orgasm he’s ever had, but he makes the noises anyway because Billy won’t be satisfied unless he knows he made Dom scream. And Dom wants Billy to be satisfied, because if he isn’t, they’re gonna be here, doing this, until he is.

But he can’t bring himself to say the other’s name. ‘I guess that makes both of us.’

As soon as he is spent, physically, that is, he feels Billy tense behind him. Having Billy’s essence inside him used to be a high like Dom had never had, but now it’s his absolute low. He doesn’t wait for Billy to soften to break the bond between them. He can tell that there are words on the edge of his lips, but Dom doesn’t wait for them. He unties the blindfold and chucks it on the floor, rushing to the bathroom.

He tries to keep the emotion from getting to him, but the door still slams behind him. The light startles his dilated eyes, because Billy never needed the light on to fuck him.

As he stands shaking under stream of water coming out of the shower, he lets the sobs wrack through his body, just like Billy had been.

Dom always knew that Billy didn’t love him. Billy had always known that Dom did love him. And yet he always left Ali for weeks at a time to take all that he could get from Dom.

Dom curses himself, Billy, and everything as he washes away the traces of what had just happen. He winces as his fingers trace purpling bruises on his neck, memories he can’t wash away.

As he walks out of his bathroom, that thankfully has a closet attached so that he can walk out with some clothes, and dignity, he sees Billy laying in his bed.

Billy offers him a weak smile. They’ve been friends for six years, and that’s the best he could do.

Dom doesn’t return it as he turns his back to walk out of the room.

“Come back, I have something to say, Dom,”

“There’s not a fucking thing I’d want to hear come out of your mouth right now, Billy.”

He turns again to walk away, wracking the courage to add to the wall:

“Least of all, Ali.”

rps: dom/billy, challenge, theme: angst, philosophy_20, psych_30

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