i just picked friday cause i had the day off...
please be forgiving... i know i have a reality television problem. :(
and the camera settings change by themselves if it gets bumped so things are blurry.
^i never get up later than 9:00 am^
^spoils of the night before^
^oh whaaaat. who's getting their ass kicked in online scrabble today! jk. kelsey beat me.^
^To Do To Day... i make alot of lists. it really helps me^
^nice day outside, as us(ual)^
^mmm breakfast... stale cinnamon roll and exactly 1 1/2 cups of coffee (all the mugs were dirty)
^i have to straighten my hair every day. it takes forever^
^a quick glance at my shoe-clock tells me it's time to get a move on^
^i dress up even when there's nobody to appreciate it. maybe the bank teller likes my skirt^
^i run a yellow light... the first of many on this soon-to-be frustrating errand run^
i'm looking and looking and looking and looking and looking and looking and looking and looking and looking and looking for Fed Ex but the damned place won't be found. i do a lot of unnecessary driving out of the way and turning around.
^it's not wilcox park but i can still dig it^
^apparently the only place more dutch than grand rapids is... Pasadena? haha it's denny's^
^i see a Fed Ex truck chillin here so i quick cut some people off and turn in! and it's a false alarm, no store here. just a confused driver wondering why i'm taking his picture.^
i finally decide to stop documenting my idiocy and put down the camera and realize i passed FedEx earlier when i was going under that first yellow light. silly. so i take care of that shit.
^i stop at the tattoo shop to see about getting mine touched up but they're closed. well, their sign is on and it's past their open time but whatever. it's still locked.^
^my favorite thrift store here! it's way awesome. i buy 3 shirts.^
^my favorite time of day... when the mail comes. nothing today, tho. :(^
^i make a few more stops at my work and the dollar store... then come home w/ the goods... everything on my list! except at-bird, that was just a joke cause everything else started with a T, but who really wants toilet paper? (i got a 42 pack of it)^
^my 3 new shirts i found at the amvets thrift shop^
^thai food leftovers for lunch, and the box very politely wishes me a nice day. well thank you Box, i am having a nice one so far^
^america's next top model marathon. elyse is my favorite on this season cause she's sassy^
^a weird shot. my camera is very instinctive^
^i talk to my sister, and rach and steph all afternoon^
Not Pictured: Nap
cause i was asleep.
^hi guys, it's me! and i'm ready to go to a show tonight at University of Southern California. i'm going by myself and i'm a bit nervous to navigate 6 highways on the way to L.A. but i'm confident i can make it. oh, the show is The Dodos and Thee Oh Sees, 2 San Francisco bands that i like well enough to go to a free coffee shop show.^
Things seemed to be going ok at first. the map said it would take about 30 minutes to get there so i left 1 hour early.
^this was my first indication that i was on the wrong path^
^Downtown L.A.... out my window^
^funny name for a school^
To make a long story a tiny bit shorter... i was lost for 2 1/2 hours before i made it. but what the fuck ever. i expected it. and i figured it out. eventually.
^so glad to see this sign!^
i didn't take any pictures during the show cause i was busy enjoying myself.
^the shoe clock wasn't real, so it's lost somewhere now and i have to look at the VCR^
^i go out in the scary garage... nobody else is home so everything's sorta creepy to me^
^midnight laundry session! uh huh that's my lame blue cotton undies on top!^
^i fall asleep watching blind date and my dreams are understandably filled with sex and dumb people.^
THE END, i hope you had FUN! I sort of did!!
as much fun as you can have being completely by yourself, you know.