Aug 06, 2005 10:23
you know what? i miss napster.
yes the good old napster that we ALL had circa 2000.
you could log on and d/l from a plethora of songs and wait abit until it was done.
now i used to use limewire...until EVERY song i tired to download eventually fucked up. then there's kazaa ( KA-ZAAAAW not KAZA) and all it's fucking viruses. and soulseek is a piece of junk.
and now we are in the age of bit torrents? am i using that term correctly?
....whatever man, i bought coldplay's latest CD. yeah i bought it with a gift card. i dont feel like fucking around online anymore.
so yes i will sit at this computer with the same songs i've had from a year an a half ago (man i dont even listen to 1/2 that crap anymore) and contiue to buy half decent CD's.
we are taking my mummy out to cullen gardens for lunch for her bday.
how has everyone's summer been?