Jan 12, 2002 21:44
Alright, well I haven't been updating too much lately. First off, I haven't really had this on my mind, it's not the most important thing, much like coming online. Second, I've just been too lazy even when I am online to update. Third, I just don't care anymore, cause I think I will be deleting it soon.
Mmk, so a lot has happened lately, but I don't feel like talking about it all. We had a volleyball tournament today ( it goes on tomorrow, too ) that's really important. It's just like all of the club volleyball teams in Illinois that are in this huge tournament playing each other, every so often ( throughout the entire season ). Well we got 2nd in our pool play today, so we move up ( the top two teams move ahead, and the bottom two teams move down, four teams in each pool, sometimes three ) so we move up. I'm so glad we did good today because last weekend we did HORRIBLE, we didn't win any of our games, and it was embarrassing. We're a really good team and all but I think we were all tired from that night before.
So I was watching America's Most Wanted tonight, not thinking this show was that bad because I've never really seen it. Of course the night I'm watching it I puke because of what I see. So first off, I saw this one where like this boy is killed because his brother or someone is involved with drugs, and didn't have money for this other kid. He was gagged and shit and then put in a shallow grave hole thing, and then shot to death. Good thing that the guy who did it got the death penalty, cause that's just wrong. And I mean, the kid did NOTHING wrong, he wasn't involved in that kind of stuff, and he's killed for no reason. But that's nothing compared to the story AFTER that. Okay, so this 7 year old girl, is found dead ( decapitated ) in Kansas City.. like in some woods. Yet the little girl was NEVER reported missing, they don't even have any identification for her, and she isn't even from Kansas City they think. For a person to kill a little girl in that brutal of a way, is just sick. Anyone in their right mind has to be mentally ill even worse than that. Second, for a family/relative not even to report her missing, has to be weird. So something is strange about that. Personally, I think it could be like a family member or someone who did it. But like why wouldn't relatives or anyone report it that she's missing at all? Ugh. So then they were trying to get flyers and stuff out, and they wanted a Forensics Sculptor to try and like mold a sculpture of like her head for like like memorial place they have for her. And they said her face was so decomposed it was so hard for them to even make flyers, etc. That's when everything just hit me and I became SO sick to my stomach, and I like puked at least three times. My sister was like "what the f are you watching?!" and then she started watching the end of it, and she knew exactly why I was throwing up. I don't see how ANY person could have the heart to kill ANYONE, especially a child. That little girl doesn't get to grow up and experience friendships, relationships, high school, marriage/falling in love, and like having children because of some sick person/people. Ugh, it makes me so mad yet I'm so like upset over what happened to that poor girl. They don't even know her name, and so I guess someone like "came up with", like Precious Doe. Aw :[ So yeah, I'm not feeling the greatest thanks to seeing that. But I'm kinda glad I saw it, I mean I really don't know why I'm glad I saw it, but I am because there's just something in me that needed to see it and get a whole big reality slap in the face. Blah :[
"On a lighter note"
I have volleyball at like 2:00 tomorrow, thank God it's not early, cause I'm NOT a morning person.
Mmk, this is getting really long, so I'm just gonna end it now, and I'm still debating if I want to delete this thing or not. It's getting "Overrrrraaaateddd". Lol Casey~*! So I'm gonna go talk to Kayler + Tinay now. :]