Jun 01, 2010 10:40
A lot has happened since I last posted here. I moved back in with my parents and am taking summer classes at PRCC. I know, I know I change my mind and direction in life A LOT. Oh well, I am doing what I have to do. I finally feel right about things and of course I feel like I'm actually doing something with my life... or attempting to.
I go see Travis on the weekends, I've only been at my parents a week now. I got here right as classes were starting and I'm lucky to get the classes I did, most of them were full. I take that as a sign.
In June I'm taking a computer class from 11-2 Monday-Thursday. I have two night classes, one on Wednesday (world Lit) and one on Thursday (Art appreciation) that last the whole summer, and in July I'll be taking a 2 week Biology and Lab class from 8-4 Monday-Thursday.
I basically cried the first few nights here. I hate Poplarville. There is a college, but THAT is it. Really.
But, I'm doing something. I have a free gym membership here (awesomeee), a bright future as long as I don't fuck it up, and security. That is good for Jordan and I.
Ok, my computer class is about to start so holla bitches!