I can't believe it, I really can't. A freakin girl! I'm so excited. I got to my appointment early and was immediately called in to the ultrasound room. It looked like going to a star watching arena thingy that they have at space stations. It was cool! There was a screen on the wall in front of me where I could see everything. This being my first ultrasound I was really nervous that something would be wrong, but She's very healthy! She measured the legs and head and tummy. Showed us the woman parts (very obviously a vagina) and printed us pictures and a cd.
She kept moving around SO much. My Cd is like 5 minutes long she wouldn't stay still. I asked if all babies moved around a lot and she said some more than others. I got an active one! She moves a lot when I eat. haha
Now it's time to think of names.
I really want to use Rose as the middle name, since my mom's middle name is rose. I think that would be sweet.
But I really like Jordan for a 1st name and I don't know how I like the sound of Jordan Rose, but I really don't care. You don't call people by their whole names often anyway.
There's a lot to think about and do from here on out. I'm just relieved that she's ok!
we went out and bought her like 5 onesie's for 6 month olds, because what if she's fat? Lol, I mean what If I buy something and she's already too big for it? Better too big than too small.