My life has gotten much better than thursday. thank God for xanax.
Travis's birthday was Friday. The big 20! (I'm no longer dating a teen yay!) Travis went and got a tattoo. It's pretty badass. I worked until 4 then we went and got ready to go eat with his parents. Travis's dad drove like a manaic trying to show off or some shit, I got super anxious and scared but then we got to the restaurant. Ate, then went to several places and I got travis some awesome digs. jeans, shirts etc.
His new converse are awesome, i've never seen any like them before. and we got them from Ross's and paid for it with that gift card my mom gave me so Helll yeah. and I got some new jeans. yes!
once we got back home we hung out, couple people stopped by. Jarod and Kim stayed and hung out til like 12 or so. that was cool, we never get to see them. Then I worked saturday, but You know. It was such a blissful day. I duno why. I mean I was at work, I was working with the dreaded blonde brittany bitch (who I made smart ass remarks to whenever she did something wrong that she'd chatisied me about before) and I even had to come in earlier. but It didn't matter at all. I got a nice steady amount of hours this week and when the clock struck 2 I was out of there! Went home and chilled out hung out with dickie and OMG christian had prom! and he loooked sooo good!. His date was hawt and he was wearing a penquin suit with top hat. Oooo to be young again. haha j/k
Today I woke up and took a nice long hot bath. then got dressed and ran some errands. the one thing I always freakin forget I got. and that is the powder smell good shit you put on your carpet before you vacuum. oh it smells like a fucking tropical breeze in my house right now. then I cleaned and here I am. I also got lots of pens because I haven't been writing as much in my other one. the one I put the real shit in. that nobody wants to hear about!
time to go and enjoy my only day off until next sunday. peace out bitches