Title: Photo Negatives
Fandoms: Inception & Howl's Moving Castle (strictly bookverse)
Character/Relationships: Ariadne, Eames, Arthur, Yusuf, Saito, Howell, Sophie, Calcifer; no relationships made explicit
Ratings/Warnings: PG, violence
Written for:
crossovers_las Wordcount: 930
A/N: Yes, I did actually write this one. EDIT: Oh for Pete's sake, did I just
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Comments 10
(Ack Howl charms the pants off everybody just to keep in practice, he'd be so much better at extracting than Cobb! And Sophie is pretty much a perfect point woman.)
(Sophie IS a great point woman. That's the point at which I really fell in love with this.)
(Organized, precise, active, smart, hears things. Yay, my logic does not require quotation marks!)
I love Howell; I think he's one of my favorite characters (though I have to admit, I never got a chance to read the book; I do own the Miyazaki movie though). Him annoying Arthur is pretty amusing as well; he probably thinks he's lucky he only as someone like Eames on his team instead of Howell.
Book!Howl is way more of a pain in the arse than movie!Howl, I find and yet somehow at least as charming. I'm glad he amused you; it was fun to do.
I'm not actually sure whether Howl or Eames is more annoying to Arthur, actually. Probably about equal in slightly different ways.
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