More Things Written By Accident

Jan 08, 2011 00:40

Title: So Much to Say
Fandom: Inception
Characters/Pairings: Ariadne/Arthur (this is apparently the fandom wherein I write things I don't ship)
Rating/Warnings: PG (R for cussing, but the rest is innocuous)
Written For: inception_kink (don't judge me!), prompt: "I was addicted to saying things and having them matter to someone."
Wordcount: 900
A/N: So, a while back I ( Read more... )

inception, fanfic

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Comments 10

dropsofviolet January 8 2011, 05:46:08 UTC
Cuuuuuuuuuuuuute. I love your Ariadne and demand moar.


sour_idealist January 8 2011, 05:58:23 UTC
Awww, thanks! Sadly I don't know where I'd go with this specifically. There's going to be more Ariadne, though; I'm so glad you like my take on her. Often with similar themes. So many plans! (Also this meme is apparently one with a lot of plotty prompts. HELP I AM ENSNARED.)


dropsofviolet January 8 2011, 05:59:39 UTC
Well, that's mostly what I mean. I can always use more Ariadne.

I spent about a week on the meme back when it was on like. part one. and drowned. and escaped. So good luck!


wake_the_dragon January 8 2011, 16:43:16 UTC
Though I'm really not a fan of Ariadne/Arthur, I really like your fic.

Ariadne and Arthur are both in character and I like how you handled their interactions.

I like how Ariadne was trying to look for a legal architect job because she wanted to be able to touch a creation of hers; I also like how she can't stay away from Team Inception either.

I liked the Ariadne and Arthur kiss and the call back to their kiss scene in the movie.

All in all, this was a very good and cute fic.


sour_idealist January 8 2011, 17:04:57 UTC
I am not a huge fan of this pairing either! I am not sure how this happened at all. But I am glad that you like this piece anyway.

I'm so relieved the characterizations worked; I find it a bit tricky, because we only know so much about the characters and I don't want to depart from that, but on the other hand I don't want to turn them into caricatures either.

Again, thank you; I'm really so glad that you enjoyed it.


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sour_idealist January 15 2011, 18:12:14 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked the structure of it. In some ways this was more of an Ariadne character study than it was an A/A fic.

I may write some more for this at some point, I'm not sure (I don't really ship anything in this fandom, which makes it marginally less weird.) Genderbend!fic is sort of taking over my brain as well and may leak into this pairing, if you'd be interested in that.


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sour_idealist January 17 2011, 17:29:12 UTC
Noted! At the moment I'm working on an AU wherein every last named character is genderbent; it's throwing up some interesting things. It'll probably show up at inceptionfic whenever it gets done.


roachpatrol August 12 2011, 08:55:45 UTC
Oh, this is so cute. This is so fucking cute. This is the best thing.


sour_idealist August 12 2011, 19:35:07 UTC
Thank you! It was delightfully self-indulgent, if I'm being honest. I just love Ariadne.


profshallowness April 8 2016, 06:33:24 UTC
Ariadne's situation here is so sympathetic and I really liked how you developed their relationship.


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