Order Of The Stick-Related Things I Feel Guilty About
Nov 07, 2010 23:26
I am kind of inexplicably crushing on Vaarsuvius, after the dragon arc. Come on, self, get over the antiheroic-bishie-trying-to-be-a-better-person thing already. (I don't have a antiheroic-woman-trying-to-be-a-better-person thing because the characters in that category are few, but I would if there were more of them, and I certainly adore Lightning Farron. Anyway, the crush stands regardless of V's gender.) I also really feel pretty sorry for V, but separate issue.
All that stuff about Redcloak, and his new fondness for the goblins, and turning Azure City into a new homeland for them? I shouldn't find it inspiring. I shouldn't. But I do. And I kind of want the goblins to keep their new city.
Productivity has significantly decreased since I discovered it. Only about a hundred strips and then the binge will be over and I'll be done, though.
Therkla and her utter lack of characterization beyond 'ostracized a bit' and 'head-over-heels, inexplicably, for Elan' - and yet That Strip still made me sniffle. Darn it.
I am amused by Belkar. Then again, I hang out with people who are practically the anthropomorphic personifications of black comedy, so I should probably just accept that I find such comedy amusing.