My thoughts. There are spoilers, guys. Order random.
- Rachel's bangs. Trivial detail, but I just do NOT approve.
- Why all the rap? But I gotta say, crooning!Mercedes = love.
- Rachel's actions in this episode. Although hilarious, and the remorse scene towards the end just broke my heart (also made me fall in love with Lea Michele all over again), just... I thought she'd gotten better than this. She's been backsliding over the summer. Another thing, though, is that some of the acting coupled with the last song made me wonder if her self-justification didn't have a grain of truth to it. There was selfishness out the wazoo, yes, but there did also seem to be an element of "but...but...but... but I don't want my family to change!" It's totally childish, but emotionally speaking, Rachel is childish. She doesn't really have any kind of firsthand knowledge of how friendships or relationships or anything works. She doesn't know how to handle a change to her semi-family. (And she wanted her solos).
- I A SUCH A SHIP TRAITOR. Seriously, you guys. All last season I shipped Rachel/Finn to death and wanted them to end up together and they are adorable... and then that scene in the bathroom with Rachel practically making out with Sunshine's cheek. Since when do I like lusting-enemy ships? Why, oh why? And there is no fic yet.
- A Will/Sue alliance. WAHHH WHERE DID THE PLOTLINE GOOOO?! I loved the initial idea. It could've been so awesome! Why didn't they just make Coach Beast totally able to handle everything they threw at her and put Sue through what she did to Will? Woulda been such an epic plotline...
- Sam. SWOON. Especially in the shower and in "Millionaire." My thing for blonds strikes again. But oh, love.
- Kurt's crush on Finn appears to be dead as a coffin-nail. Good; poor guy's had enough heartbreak.
- If Sam/Kurt is a red herring, I am going to hunt someone down. And write lots of fic.
- Santana feeling needy and overlooked. Here is some interesting character development.
- And while we're on that subject, did anyone else cut straight from the Santana boob job scene to a Victoria's Secret commercial?
- Also, boob job in high school? With you on this one, Sue.
- How am I going to make it through another week? I need to know what happens next!
Overall opinion: still love.