::insert man named august dragging me by the ankle kicking and screaming here::

Aug 02, 2005 16:27


maybe...i can kick august's ass back to june and we'll have another three months all togetherish? that would be nice.

oh man. my mom's back and such. she's been making me clean a lot. and i carried a stinking fridge for her twice. she was impressed. haha. she thought she'd need to help me or something. ::rolls eyes::

i miss dance. but that'll be back soon. golly i'm typing fast. that's one thing i can't wait to get back to. i hope lame evil upperclassmen don't ruin it for me or something. and i pray to god i know what they're talking about when they teach. meh. we'll see.

i believe i'm off to lindsey's to help her find clothes for senior pictures. yay!

SourGrapefruitMe: sorry
SourGrapefruitMe: i was livejournaling
SourGrapefruitMe: or whatever
SourGrapefruitMe: ew
SourGrapefruitMe: i just turned that into a verb.

ew. i'm disgusted with myself. i think i'm going to stop typing now....
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