Jan 07, 2005 22:46
sooo...jake and i talked on the phone for two hours and i feel tons better. way tons better. :D he's the best. as is tina :-P doooon't forget that...either of you.
i realized that i have three missing assignments for english...and a B. my mom will kill me if she finds out...so i'm fixing the situation riiight about now. i still have to get that web address to mal...
work tomorrow. ::dies:: i still have to call sam and ask her if she'll work for me on saturday. she miiight, but probably not. she's laaazy just like me..if not moreso.
i got a call...um...15 minutes ago. and it was jeff. my sister answered the phone and he was way loud. i could hear him from across the room. he tried to talk me into going to family fun center...and then he realized it was 10:30. hahaha. he's a quick one. THEN he gave the phone to mal. hahahaa. tink (tee hee), you're going to get a kick out of this. they were hanging out with kenny?!?! whoa man. i thought kenny and jeff HATED each other. well...they did ages ago at least. anywho I talked to him for a bit. and he yet again apologized for stuff that happened forever ago (as always) and i'm supposed to call him this weekend? craaaazy stuff. yet, awesome. haven't seen his face in ages. it's silly, he thought i still hated him or something? and wants to start over...whatever that's supposed to mean. whatever. (yoyoyo i'm totally stealing that) nooot bothered by it because i'm on a sleepiness high.
good times.
this has been a carazy night...but i feel so much better. and exhausted. i think i'm turning in for the night.
hopefully this is the end of my roller coaster for a while.
hmm...still need to find bridge a birthday present.