I've been having bizarre, graphic dreams lately, and I hate to turn into one of those people who starts talking about their dreams. I don't know why. They've included:
A) A glass house near the ocean where a dolphin jumps into the swimming pool to entertain my sister.
B) A concert in a spinning hottub car with Borat and my godmother, with music by Green Day and Linkin Park.
C) Running over an acquaintance on the street who was on her way to see DNTEL with my cousin Rene in a SUV.
D) Cooking an elaborate meal for five people who I don't know anymore.
E) Going to a hiphop film where the images slide by like a conveyor belt, and people dance in the aisles.
I think it's because I've been cooking such rich foods lately. Last night, as it was my mom's first day back, I cooked her a meal of cold sesame soy noodles with veggies and ginger chicken. It was all very good, but makes me think that my creative consumptions may be the source of my vivid imagination. Now, the real question - is this a good thing or a bad thing?
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