that's right, ladies hate bustin'.

Jul 24, 2016 22:28

I went to see Ghostbusters the other week and ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT. I have not had that much fun at the cinema in a good long time. And I have literally never seen a movie on the big screen that I felt was more aimed at me and people like me.

In the light of it, there's been a lot of discussion of rebooting various franchises with women playing the main roles. And while there's been backlash, the thing that's been making me really happy is how many women there are coming out of the woodwork going, YES PLEASE. There's this one Facebook group I'm on that had a post by a guy going "omg my wife wants a lady reboot of this thing I love, hahaha stupid right" and you know what he got? Loads of comments going "Ghostbusters was good!" and "Why not?" and suggestions for who might play the characters. And one or two people who weren't into the idea either, but who clearly didn't consider the idea inherently stupid. The more the guy tried to reply to everyone with "BUT LADIES THO, THAT'S NOT RIGHT", the more clear it was that he wasn't the mainstream any more.

People, this is what progress looks like. It's a small thing, but it's beautiful.

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