I had a lovely Bank Holiday weekend! I got to introduce Herr Professor to two of my favourite people, viz.
catwalksalone and her husband TB, and they to him, and it was lovely. We may or may not have traumatised a coffee shop. \us/
The rest of the weekend mostly involved napping (I...am apparently a nap monster?) and watching True Blood.
It is such a ridiculous show and yet I am still really enjoying it!
I still adore Tara to pieces ("I don't know nuthin' 'bout birthin' no baby vampires!" is arguably the line of the whole show so far for me) and I do NOT think Pam is good enough for her. The "uh, okay then" reaction to the Tara/Pam reveal was exactly mine, too: I am glad on the one hand that Tara's not magically straight, and that if anything 'vaguely queer' is the default on this show, but on the other...Pam is hilarious in some ways, but is also Tara's vampire mother, and OH DEAR NO.
I like Jess and I felt so bad for her about Hoyt: she really did her best to be right and kind in a horrible situation. And Jason... I don't know whether his random turn to bigotry is a result of that or a result of some magical mojo. I suspect magical mojo, especially with the new ghost companions, who otherwise don't make any sense to me, but either way it makes me sad. Poor Jason!
I am also a little bit sad Russell Edgington got staked, mostly because there were other cool things that could have been done with him but they wrote themselves into a corner where there wasn't really any other option.
Eric's sister really bores me but I love that Eric is kind of the good vampire, now Bill has turned into... whatever the hell that Billith thing is. (I say we don't even know for sure that the Lilith-visions are actually from a vampire: sure blood is involved, but something is WAY the fuck up and we only have a bunch of drugged up nutjobs' opinion on what that is. If it was really Lilith the way they think of her, surely she wouldn't be turning the vampires against each other in the way she is? I don't even know. And I think the Sanguinistas are completely dumbass and short-sighted anyway.)
I am glad they are realising that shape-shifting into anything you like is a TOTALLY badass power and Sam and Luna could and should be more or less doing whatever they want. Death by fly was kind of hilarious. I really want to know what happens with Emma and with Luna's reveal on national television that the vampires had a bunch of people in their basement. (And where the fuck is the actual Steve Newlin during all this? Her impression of him was HILARIOUS but I worry. He is a dude I do not like.)
Basically, I am really enjoying all of it except the werewolf stuff. I don't care about the werewolf plot like at all: the drug addiction thing is depressing in the cracktastic show of wacky fairy babies, and just... eh. Lots of not very pleasant or interesting people snarling at each other and occasionally getting naked and/or into fights. Lacey Thornfield being one made me happy, but now she's gone I...pretty much don't care. Alcide and his dad were slightly more interesting than usual this last episode, though. Alcide made a joke! More of that please! If it was a bit less Super Serious Wolf Time I think I'd like them more.
On the opposite end of the spectrum is Andy's fairy babies, which, okay, we knew that was going to happen from the second they slept together, but I still felt a bit bad for him. Aw, Andy. I suspect those babies will be more important than they currently seem given the way all the vampires go gaga over the fairy blood, and I hope we get Andy, Terry, Arlene (and maybe Holly) raising the kids loltastically next season.
Terry and Arlene remain the people I want to hug most on the show. Awwww, Terry and Arlene!
So, recommendations for other things Herr Professor and I should watch? Bonus points for being epic, and for being cheerful without being schmaltzy (as we have a LOT of very depressing things in the queue, haha).
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