then someone looked up a tree and said "That monkey looks just like me!"

Apr 11, 2012 15:36

Today I am mostly annoyed at 1. myself and 2. the city council (why do they insist on phone trees where it interrupts you every thirty seconds to thank you for staying on the line so you jump a mile? WHY?), so I am going to blather about television.

Horrible Histories is the best sketch show around right now, people, and it is BACK! Lookit, from yesterday's episode, Charles Darwin singing his own version of a Bowie song!

image Click to view

Bweeee. (Though my current fave song of theirs is the Aztec Priests Song, if only for Laurence Rickard's Gibb impression. Ahahaha.)

Herr Professor and I have now finished Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles! And I have thoughts!

...well, okay, some thoughts. I am not hugely up on the movies, so I don't have much to say about the philosophical stuff. But I did really love that Sarah was the main character - I like Lena Headey anyway, and it wasn't about her being a love interest, it was about her trying to save the world. I really liked that.

But then it became more and more about John: which is fine, of course that was inevitable. But what wasn't inevitable, I think, was the way that meant all the (human) women suddenly became WRONG AND CRAZY about everything. In the last couple of episodes, it really seemed like they laid it on thick that all the ladies are irrational about the machines and a liability to their own side, except when they're actively saving John's life. Which is why I HATED the Riley plotline: I don't mind a strong focus on John, as that's the central premise. I did mind discovering that the one woman who wasn't All John Connor All The Time and might have some other aspects to her life apart from being his girlfriend... was actually just as much in the mythos as anyone else. The whole time. Apart from anything else, having the mythos interact with the rest of the world would have been way more interesting, I think. And then she got shot by a woman who had treated her terribly (someone who I had previously really wanted to like as a recurring character!), and for really crap She's A Crazy Lady reasons, and who was then shot in her turn by her boyfriend. Grr. Show, you were doing so well!

Um, it wasn't all grr, though. I love Cameron! I love that she was learning, slowly, about herself and the world and what existing in that world as something other than a soulless killer might mean, while still being, y'know, a killer robot from the future. That was really compelling. I actually think if they'd done less well at making Cameron awesome, the ladies being all anti-machines-at-all-costs would have seemed less ridiculous? Or at least less irrational. In the face of Cameron being THE BEST DEFENCE THEY HAVE WHO HAS SAVED THEIR LIVES COUNTLESS TIMES, it just seems STUPID. Especially since Derek was all about stopping Skynet without losing his sense.


The other really cool thing I liked was John Henry, even though the guy who played him/Cromartie looked distractingly like Peter Krause. (No, really, compare and contrast.) I thought that was done well, and I really liked Shirley Manson as a really bizarre robotic mother, heh. She was awesome, even if I felt really bad for Savannah, and I would LOVE to know what they were going to do there, because they clearly had a plan, and things were JUST kicking off majorly when it all got cancelled. Dammit.

And maybe the plan would even have involved HUMAN ladies being cool again. OMG.

We also caught up on Community.

I really loved the last few episodes! I love Subway personificating, and Britta having Tragic Love with him, ahaha. Britta is hilarious, and I love that she's basically, in a very stealth and hilarious way, the moral centre of the show. She's the worst, but in such a great way that never denies she's a person. LOVE HER. And she even gets to have vaguely kinky sex and is not considered wrong for it, too. Aw yeah.

And I love that the Troy vs. Abed thing was done so well. I was really worried about that, but apart from one tiny blip (cutting to Jeff when they were hugging: dammit, this is NOT ABOUT JEFF!) it was fabulous. The History Channel documentary thing was hilariously done, and just... yay. Also, ow my heart! Troy and Abed! It also served really to point out the way that even minor fights with people you're really close to can feel like The Biggest Deal Ever, while also featuring Danny Pudi with a cushion on his head. Fantastic.>

I have also seen the new season of Game of Thrones so far, and really like it, but don't have much else to say excepting that it is still beautiful and Arya and Sansa are still my favourites.

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terminator, community, game of thrones, horrible histories

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