I have caught up on The Good Wife and Community!
I love that Diane is just kicking all the ass ever all over the shop. I really do. I totally think she'd rock being a senator! And I love that she, not Will, is the backbone of the company right now: she's keeping professional, she's keeping all the balls in the air. And the bit where she went out of her way to be supportive to Alicia's career. She ROCKS.
I love that Will isn't going to go with Wendy, who is rapidly becoming a skeevy skeevy woman I wouldn't want to go near with a ten foot barge pole. And I loved him and Kalinda having "people who don't want to admit they totally loooove Alicia Florick' drinks!
(And oh god the bit where Diane is all "she'll get over it" when it was Alicia who dumped him is just SUCH brilliant and subtle illustration of the way the Will/Alicia thing flips traditional gender roles and I love it so much. I love that it ties in with Alicia figuring she needs to focus on herself and her kids: and that that's done in an EMPOWERING way, a way where that is her decision and it's difficult but it's HER who's working that out and nobody else. Love it.)
I love that Wendy is going after Peter, though, it's just fascinating and one of those twists that this show does so well: you go OMG I DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING BUT OF COURSE.
I love KALINDA. I love that she found Grace, I love her little FACE in the car when they had their little 'thankyou' moment, I love that Alicia went hell for leather to save her and smacked Cary down (who entirely deserved it as far as I'm concerned because moving people around so their loved ones and legal counsel can't find them is deeply wrong). I love that she had the bit where she SAID that she wasn't magically a different person, because she's not and it had to be clear, but Alicia knows that and is figuring out how/if she can deal with that.
Basically, I love this show!
Oh, Community, your doing an Invasion of the Body Snatchers episode entirely based around hate for Glee made me laugh far too much!
I loved the songs, I loved the ENDING OF JOY AND FULFILLMENT, I loved that Britta can't sing and was going to be a mute tree. I loved it.
Although the very best bit was Annie's creepy creepy sexy-child Christmas song and the absolute perfect nail-on-the-head lampooning of the awfulness of that genre in so many ways. Genius.
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