one quick hello to the sunshine

Aug 05, 2011 16:12

Two quick things:

Denise has a fabulous post about 'real name' policies that is worth a read if you are interested in such things.

Second: my housemate and I are now going to be recieving BOXES OF VEGETABLES. Like, organic vegetables that somebody else grew but which will MAGICALLY APPEAR AT OUR HOUSE. I am getting quite excited about this, but am an indifferent cook who has no motivation for lengthy and exciting cookery. But you, dear folk of the internet, might know of good recipe sites or other places which might actually inspire best use of this new bounty. Any suggestions?

From a nasty start, today has turned into a BEAUTIFUL day! And soon I am off for the weekend! I am a cheerful, albeit sleepy, Katie. How are you?

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food, domesticity, the intarwebs, le random

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