no really I aen't ded

May 09, 2011 23:32

Some stuff:

Maps! Many maps! Of the human condition! Anyone who has pretty much ever visited me would probably be able to guess this would be right up my alley, but oh, maps!

I really like the OKcupid data-wrangling posts, and this one made me laugh more than usual.

I also really like today's XKCD.

I have not yet seen either The Good Wife or Community (but I will see both parts of both finales this week and cannot WAIT) but I have seen Doctor Who and thought it kinda... sucked? I mean, for an episode where Amy wore a pirate hat and brandished a cutlass, it wasn't nearly as fun as I felt it should be. I didn't really care about the 'danger' or the plot resolution except going "there is no way you're killing Rory now and if you do I will be Deeply Displeased" and I thought the whole thing a bit tame. In a someone-wanted-to-do-a-PIRATES-episode-but-somebody-else-nixed-all-the-good-ideas way.

I've also just realised I never mentioned I've watched the first two episodes of Game of Thrones and really really liked them. I think Tyrion is stealing every scene he's in - which from my "read the first book and am now about halfway through the second" perspective is about right - but I was really impressed with everybody. Dany is probably the most dubious so far, but the second episode gave me lots of hope on that one, even if I wished she'd got to ride like the wind on her new horse like she did in the book. I also like, at least so far, the relationship between her and Drogo - I gather lots of people were unhappy about that after the first episode, but I think we're getting the kind of build that the relationship will need. She WAS afraid of him at first, Visarys really did put her in an awful position, but she is learning that actually with Drogo she got lucky. And that will, I hope, get clearer.

Also I feel really bad for the Starks already. ARYA, YOUR LITTLE FACE. I was also impressed by what a smug dickweed Joffrey is already! (And feel surprisingly bad for Sansa.)

And now sleep.

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game of thrones, reality based community, docteur qui, le random

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