This week's Merlin squee, up ahead!
I need a Gwen and Morgana icon for this last episode, but I couldn't find a nice one. I shall have to work on this, I suspect. However, in the process of searching I did find
THIS, which made me laugh so hard I nearly ruptured something. Seriously, I can't click on it again or I might die, but you probably should. HEE.
(Maybe I shouldn't find it as funny as I do? But frankly, I don't care, because a world where I don't think that is fucking hilarious is not a world I want to live in. :) )
I KNEW MY SHINY, SHINY SHOW WOULDN'T LET ME DOWN! The whole thing with Gwen's dad was legitimately sad, the Gwen/Morgana was EPIC AND AMAZING AND JUST AS FANTASTIC AS THE BOYS, they had PLOT and CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT that wasn't about the boys, and I could not be more pleased about it! I mean, sure, it was more about Morgana and her total, utter hawtness and I would have liked a bit more Gwen doing stuff, but since Gwen has already proved her awesome Future Queen abilities, I'll let it pass for today. I... actually have faith in this show to let the girls do their thing, and do it well, and so far it hasn't let me down. I don't quite know what to do with that! Like, these are girls who I REALLY LIKE and who learn things and do things and are important! Morgana had a big moral criss and was right to have a big moral crisis and she ended up saving Uther while still not thinking he was right to be a jackass but having some appreciation of why that still doesn't mean she should kill him, and Gwen got to be the moral heart and centre of the Merlin universe, as she should be because she's great, and I LOVE THEM. I love them and their determination to recreate every single typical heteronormative romance trope but with EPIC GAY. I fear I will wear out my capslock with my love for them!
Especially cause THEY DIDN'T EVEN KILL UTHER! I was so worried he was actually going to die! But he didn't! And Morgana saved him and not only does that mean we might actually GET my coveted season of the-boys-hiding-the-obvious-from-Uther, NOT ONLY THAT, but that any baddie status Morgana ends up having is going to be a more intellectual, Uther-is-wrong-and-I-must-do-something thing than simply the 'MY NAME IS MORGANA, HE KILLED MY GIRLFRIEND'S FATHER, PREPARE TO DIE' that it would have been if she'd gone ahead and stabbinated him this episode. She miiight even not end up being a 'baddie' at all, just someone who disagrees and is even maybe a bit wrong about some things but is perfectly understandable and morally okay in doing so. And I really love that. More please! Up with that sort of thing!
And I loved that although Merlin helped, he wasn't the important one this week, really. He was a B-plot, and that makes me enjoy the eps where he's an A plot even more. Because as much as I love the Merlin and Arthur show, if it was literally just that all the time then we'd always know exactly what to expect and there would be no variation, and it's the fact that this show has proper whole episodes building up other people and their moral dilemmas that make it quite as fucking awesome as I really think it legitimately is. Even with the crack value.
And OH MY GOD NEXT WEEK IS GOING. TO. ROCK. I am both saddened that it'll be the finale and BURSTING WITH ANTICIPATORY JOY. It looks EPIC, and if there is one thing the Merlin people can do it is EPIC!! DESTINY!! glee. Yay!!
Strictly was really rather pretty this week, wasn't it? I especially liked Tom dancing to Dolly Parton. I think Austin's going home, but am not too gutted about that. And I think Rachel will probably win.
And finally, for people who don't care about any of the above:
possibly the oldest LOLcat on record!