Dear Merlin,
I LOVE YOU SO HARD. Okay, so Arthur's coming-of-age ceremony didn't actually involve ritual nudity - which at this point is actually slightly more surprising than the alternative! - but it was utterly delightful. The urge to shriek "BOYS!" every two seconds is totally back. Things I especially love:
- actual backstory (OMFG, some of it was fairly easy to guess but OH MAN I wanna know more now)
- that Gwen totally, totally called Merlin on his obvious crush and has evidently embraced the gossipping-about-boys side of faghaggery (although apparently did not notice that Arthur was looking back just as much, whenever he could, which HEARTS, they had a MOMENT!)
- Arthur (my love of Merlin himself is obvious but oh when he told the Obviously Doomed Knight that "I know no-one braver" and also: needing to be stopped from leaping over the wall!)
- Arthur and Uther's relationship, especially Uther actually admitting that oh yeah, he loves his son and doesn't want him to die, and this actually being surprising and Tony Head SMILING and being ADORABLE and even though he's really a bit fucked in the head, I do kind of love Uther from this episode
- Merlin and his obvious burning desire to shout 'Because I love you and don't want you to DIE, you overly fucking noble IDIOT!'
- that even Uther apparently now ships Merlin/Arthur
- the dragon being like "yeah, I do have things going on that aren't about you, Merlin", hee.
- that Merlin's idea of "take it somewhere far from anywhere" is... the local lake. Where he propmtly just chucks it in. AHAHA, this both explains a lot about the myths and is the MOST TEENAGE BOY THING EVER
- that there is actual plot and I am sincerely VERY EXCITED right now to find out what happens with it: the mystery around Arthur's birth, Nimue apparently not being all that bad at all, the sword, Morgana clearly getting more and more disenchanted with Camelot and you can understand why.. oh, the whole episode was fab! Cheesy fabulosity!
so many hearts, SHINY SPARKLY HEARTS,
Katie's not-so-secret innter fangirl
Dear Children In Need,
You were surprisingly more fun this year, I thought - I was actually vaguely interested in the Doctor Who thing, the Merlin bit was funny (Tony Head saying "donate or I'll chop your head off" and Arthur stroking Merlin's arm! hah!) and Anton was sweet on the Strictly bits. QI was fun too, though I'd like a proper series now please.
Dear Circular Knitting,
You get hearts too. Many hearts!
Dear Watchmen Movie,
You look very shiny indeed, but shit like
this, you make even me - who thought the trailer was one of the most gorgeous things ever - headdesk and go OH for CRYING OUT LOUD. That's just... it's just so ridiculously stupid that it's almost not worth getting offended over, except that apparently shit like that is still okay, so.
Dear Anyone Who Thinks It's Worth Blaming Anti-Gay Prejudice On The Black People,
I meant to say this before, but:
not so much. I get that it's easier if you can blame somebody, but now we can calm down a bit, maybe some of
this (really worth reading to anyone, btw, excellent stuff) might sink in?
come ON now, really,
You generally make me laugh (I love even the title "lol for change", haha), but
this picture paricularly made you worth reading today, I feel.