why yes, I happen to watch quite a lot of geeky television

May 10, 2008 19:36

Lots of catchup to post today, and since I have an hour with the warm wind breezing through and the sun shining and a big glass of lemonade, here is some. Fear my way with words, people!

Okay, so, the fake attempting-to-be-science on Who often bugs me. I can manage with that, handwave it as 'oh, in Who universe, maybe it does work like that'. I have more issue with the Doctor suddenly claiming to be incredibly moral when, um, we've had quite a lot of seasons of him being... not a bad guy, but dubious, somewhere in the moral grey zone, and usually cogniscant of that fact. Apparently now he's pretending that was never the case. Uh. Okay. If I thought they were doing that deliberately as part of his trauma process, then maybe, but I don't.

I still love Donna, though (Doctor, your human companion who has never seen that date system before worked it out before you did. EX-LIBRARIANS FOR THE WIN, hah!). And while I am sad the awesome Northern dude died last week, I am glad that Jenny didn't actually die. Even slightly asskicking women usually end up dead on television, and it's cool to see that being subverted, even a bit. Yay for running off and having your own adventures in the rest of the universe! (I suspect it means we're in for another episode of Ten having I'm A Daddy Issues, but that's a price I think I'm willing to pay.)

The bit that really made me happy though was the idea that next week we get AGATHA CHRISTIE. Period drama! Murder mysteries with AGATHA CHRISTIE, which probably shouldn't be anything like as exciting to me but dammit, it is. I will be especially pleased if it has a big 'here I am to tell you all what happened' scene for the Doctor at the end, and amazed and escastic if they try and make a Doctor-y explanation of the time she went missing. OMG. Like, woah.


Supernatural was way better this week! Yay! Oh boys - Dean being hot and wanting to fight zombies, Sam trying to gross him out while he's eating, eeeee.

(And both Grodin from Stargate: Atlantis and Mr X from the X-Files were in it this week, and neither of them died! The opening scene was sketchy, and they did do a bit of the 'oooh, mystical black person' shit with Mr X, but in the end he was supposed to be someone to identify with, someone on a level with Dean. And I loved that Grodin was like, 'shit, what do you THINK it's like to have your kidneys stolen? IT HURTS.' And then Dean and Sam's little 'dude's got a point' faces, haha. Sure, they - probably - killed Bela this episode, but mostly, well done, show!)

I really love that with Dean and Sam, it's the younger one who's totally pragmatic and willing to do anything so long as it works, and the older one who draws the line in the sand and says, No. That's a step I won't take, even if it's the worse for me. AND MEANS IT. I love that. Sam the younger, more protected sibling is the one whose desperation and unhappiness will take him to any lengths to save his brother, and Dean is the one who sees his older brother role as also including telling Sam to stop, enforcing moral boundaries.

Also, how glad am I that Sam didn't get his eye out (euuuuucuuhhhhhhhhggghhhhh)? VERY GLAD. VERY, VERY GLAD. Dean being badass helped too. They were awesome and competant and asskicky this week, and it pleases me greatly! Leaving the dude alive at the end was both creepy as fuck and probably a Bad, Bad Plan, though.

I am also unsure about Bela's probable-death, because, yeah, cheesy. And probably a waste of a potentially interesting character. But I actually believed for that second on the phone with Dean that we were finally seeing the Bela underneath, I liked that she actually finally freaking got a backstory, and I loved that Dean found out some of the story but not all of it. I am mostly hoping she is either somehow not in Hell, or if she is, that she starts being, like, an undercover agent there, someone in Hell who the boys can communicate with, who'll let them know what's going on. I also want to know what the hell happened to the Colt, and if they don't tell us next week I shall be miffed.


I am still enjoying The Dead Zone when lovefilm actually sends me the DVDs, but oh, it's not as awesome as it was. Walt gets more and more so, though. I love Walt - a genuinely good man, kind and generous and well-intentioned, who goes above and beyond the call of basic decency again and again and again, and doesn't make a big deal of it. Oh, Walt. *hugs him*

It also made me feel better after watching Higniffy, which I mostly spent feeling sorry for Reginald D Hunter.


And finally I leave you with two things that are way cooler than my journal. Wild Adventure! - Tracking The Coulton made me sporfle. (The little FACES! And "where do you get your ideas?"!) And this is Stephen Colbert TALKING TO A GUY IN SPACE. No, really. A random basic-cable comedian managed to persuade NASA to hook him up to the International Space Station. Dude.

(Last video is especially notable for how adorable Stephen's geeky flailing is. Hee. And aww.)

christie, higniffy, supernatural, jonathan coulton, colbert nation, docteur qui, the dead zone

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