So, there is no more Life on Mars. That was it.
GOOD FUCKING GOD ALMIGHTY I LOVE LIFE ON MARS. Oh, oh, the whole "you must destroy Gene Hunt" thing and then he asked Annie to spend the night with him and she said no! Oh, I love Annie, and her hurt and betrayal at the whole 'Sam is a spy from Hyde!' revelation thing was just so well done, I totally yelled "And you fucking deserve that, too!" when she slapped him, though I also actually felt bad for Sam that he was so confused and I didn't want him to just be crazy at all, and I thought it wasn't going to just be that, because the reveal came too early, but there were documents and HIS OWN GODDAMN GRAVESTONE and I didn't know what to think.
And then they all hated him and there was awkwardness and sadness and Annie in a really flattering uniform (and rocking the hell out of the acting, too!) and Gene being a criminal and then there was shooting and the backup wasn't coming and then there was light and he goddamn woke up.
I love that this show actually got me to the point of not wanting him to wake up - I wanted him to solve everything first, I didn't want it to be like that. (Especially cause the surgeon dude was really creepy, in 2006 as well as 1973.) Sam's depression at being in 2006 totally made sense; his 2006 life feels so sterile, and he still didn't know if he was mad or what. I was sad too, but he went up on to the roof and then Life on Mars started playing and I squeaked and then.
And then.
I actually screamed. I really did. The way they panned round him, and then he started running, and the music swelled as he jumped off. I am so in love with the music in this show. Especially because then he was back in 1973 and he saved them and then went looking for Annie and THEY PLAYED CHANGES and oh it's good to be a Bowie fangirl today. And I didn't even mind the necessity of joining
jekesta in the pretending that he doesn't have a family who'll miss him, because they all went in the car, with Annie and Sam being cute and Gene being a snarky bastard and Sam being a hair-puller and they had ELEGANT BANTER and Sam smiled like it would always be summer and oh.
I love that we still don't know what's actually happening there, but even more that the show says that isn't the most important thing anyway. I can't believe they managed to have an ending that didn't suck, or wuss out, but they did, even though the test card girl at the end freaked me the hell out. I love this show.
So there's that.