This is the best thing to hit YouTube since, like, ever. A very wonderful person who should clearly be worshipped has put all the gay bits from the Daily Show and the Colbert Report and uploaded them in one place. It's awesome; my love for the crew behind this gay madness increases daily. I fully anticipate reaching critical mass of squee in the near future.
(I hadn't seen a bunch of those clips, and O.M.F.G. Stephen being carried around while wearing a sailor hat! "Jon, please, you're dating me!" Stephen discovering he is 233% gay! Oh, the love the love the love the LOVE! There's even a musical montage at the end, people.)
On the slightly less unqequivocal yay side of things,
here are the most unfortunate pictures of Callum Keith Rennie I've ever seen. Oh, Callum, honey, please don't do that to your hair. I know you tend to obsess about it, but seriously: if it's worrying you, ask Paul. He's looking great.
(On the other hand, for somebody with such dreadful hair and who's very much showing his age in a way Paul Gross is just completely refusing to do, the man remains damn hot. It's like... his hotness isn't just in him being a very pretty man, although that obviously helped. It's in the smile, the eyes, and the way he has of just fucking owning every piece of recording equipment around. He has presence, completely without meaning to or probably wanting to. And he's just. that. cool. Though... is anyone else getting weird flashes that this is what Ray Kowalski looks like now and Fraser would totally teach him better than to use that kind of icky grease? Fraser likes petting Ray's hair, he totally does, and you can't do that if it's 99% gunk.)
And because sleep still eludes me, here's the last of the '5 Things' meme thingy that I owe.
five things you want to see happen in the last HP book (whether you think they will or not).
1. Tonks to be cool. If she and Remus are in fact dating, I don't want her to be lame.
2. Finding out what's going on with the Dursleys - what Dudley saw when the Dementor was near, what on earch Dumbledore was writing to Petunia about.
3. Harry to be revealed as related to Bowman Wright!!
4. A good number of people, and the entire Sorting system, to get kicked in the ass.
5. Voldemort defeated, for good, with decent reasons for why and how and without anybody I like dying in the process.
Five things that make you go 'hmmmmm'!
1. Emmental cheese.
2. My phone, when I'm drunk. Seriously, I will be looking at it trying to work out how to press 'send'.
3. Murder mysteries of any kind, when something happens that makes me think I've figured it out before the detectives have.
4. My computer. It overheats, so the fan whirs very loudly, and I have to go 'hmmmmmm' along with it. Heh.
This picture, cause wtf is that in his teeth?
Five songs Keith should sing.
Mixed Emotion. Because, dude.
Having Fun Is Bad For You, purely because I think it'd be funny and it would probably traumatise Mick.
Jolene, because I love covers of that song and it would definitely traumatise Mick.
Hand In Glove, because I think he'd rock it, and it seems a Keith-y song to me in all the best ways and none of the bad.
Freedom Calling, because I think he'd appreciate it, and do it justice.
Five places/times the Doctor would never go
1. There's a planet called Bellerophon Alpha III where the people are willingly and happily cannibalistic. It's all totally consensual, but he never goes there anyway.
2. The actual end of the human race as he considers it. He can just about go after that, but see the actual event itself? Not if he can help it.
3. Davros' birth. Cause he doesn't know what he'd do.
4. Gallifrey on the day he gave up his name. Because he does know what he'd do.
5. McDonalds. Chips are fine, Maccy D's is quite another.
Five things the Doctor would never say
1. "Oh, go ahead, I'm sure you'd do a better job of it than me anyway."
2. "Time War, Daleks, Cybermen... really, who cares? Let's watch the Antiques Roadshow instead."
3. "Come baaaaack, Adric!"
4. "Actually, I have sex all the time, I just don't want you to watch."
5. "This is Noel Edmonds, my new companion."
And there we go. :) Oh, except,
here, have a random and kind of heart-warming defence of geekiness, written by an actual geek and not one of the people who try out a geeky persuit for an afternoon for a magazine article.