... in which Katie pleads for help

Jun 23, 2002 18:42

My new mobile is luverly as anything, however I cannot send messages because the bloody office that you have to register your phone with is shut til Monday (although I can recieve). Gah.

Also today, in order to take my mind off the racket that is my dad attempting DIY loft renovation, I have been Pondering the Imponderables. These include...

How long is a piece of string?
Why is 'abbreviation' such a long word?
Why are plastic wrappers made so damn hard to get off?
What is the point of grammar checkers in word processing programmes, when they are so ridiculously useless?
Why on earth would anyone boil water in a microwave?

Any more such questions will be gratefully accepted, as the noise is driving me FREAXing nuts. Really. Between that and the dust I'll be a quivering heap in the corner of the room within hours. I need your help!

le random

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