I said I do this soon and I currently can't sleep, so, here you go: Stargate Atlantis haikus. Blame
aneli8, or the fact that these were written after spending waaay too much time in Gatwick airport with no sleep. Heh. I do like the idea of it being something a bit like the
Stargate limerick contest, though, so, uh, feel free to spam me with haikus of your own. I like haikus. And on that note, I present...the crack. With some commentary by me, because seriously, people, we were that bored.
Night in Atlantis
Zelenka is in the lab
John and Rodney sleep.
A fairly normal first offering there, really. Possibly it was designed to lull us into a false sense of security. We move on to some episode related ones:
Atlantis likes geeks
and "Spaceships! We've got SPACESHIPS!"
says it all, really.
In one world he drowned
but for now he stays right here
and that's good enough.
long trip back to Earth:
eating fench fries and Cheetos,
the city's home now.
Fake science is fun
except when it makes people want
to spork their eyes out.
(Not that I'm at all bitter, of course: they try, bless their little mouse-retrovirius loving socks.)
Alien priestess
bad on so many levels
get with the programme!
Because while I love that episode for making Rodney's jealousy so completely open and blatant, I still think that John was eaten by a pod-person or overcome with alien pheronomes or something. Oy freaking vey.
Dying would be bad
but listening to him go,
John thinks, would be worse.
Sunshine and laughter
remind him of being thrown
off a balcony.
This, naturally, lead on to How John And Rodney Are Totally In T00by Love, which, equally naturally, was then celebrated in haiku form. The word "awww" was used quite a lot, because... awwwww.
Good looking flyboy
can also do maths. Oh shit,
now I'm really screwed.
It's all crystal clear
when Rodney leaves lab early
of his own accord.
Zelenka finds out
but John was right all along:
he IS the nice one.
I am firmly convinced that Zelenka is one of the most adorable and nicest people to be found in any galaxy, while also being capable of standing up to Rodney without actually killing him. This, I think is impressive.
They go to a game
football still sucks but somehow
that doesn't matter.
"See how he lights up!"
solar system explosion
does not help romance.
Finally alone
unexplained power surges:
the city's glad too.
John's really weird
luckily's Rodney's the sort
who LIKES airline food.
I like to think that sort of sums the whole relationship up, really.
Leave while it's still dark
"no overnights" is the rule
he always comes back
Near death escapes suck
now at last he has something
to thank the Wraith for.
Alien monsters,
dangerous tech - all of it
made up by bed-head.
Cause while there is angst and interesting relationship dynamics and storyline and suchlike, they are also really. freaking. adorable. Also, Atlantis is totally pervily happy for them, because it has a big slutty crush on John. (And I can't remember who called it that in a fic, but it's so true. John/Atlantis = weird OTP.)
John says that he's cool
but Rodney likes best that
he grins like a dork.
He does. And, um, at this point the sleep deprivation really started to set in, so, uh... yeah. While they amuse me, the word "crack" is probably apt. Heh.
About six months in
John makes the discovery:
Rodney likes BRITNEY.
It's fun to call John
"skinny snarkalicious elf"
but only the once.
Finally Teyla
admits - when she says "people"
she DOES mean her breasts
and in honour of
my favourite Atlantis cartoon EVER:
A hot gay Ancient
after John's very fine ass
Atlantis breaks beds
but there's still the floor! Hurrah!
The fist of triumph!
Which led to:
Lube is a problem
but Rodney can make his own
whoo-hoo, problem solved!
And then for some reason I got the Ballad of Bilbo Baggins in my head, because apparently I thought it was a great idea that John pretended not to have read Lord of the Rings (which appalled Rodney) but then sang that song, just to mess with Rodney's head. Because John is a dork.
"In a land called Shire
there's a brave little hobbit
whom we all admire!"
It's so not his fault
cause the people are all short
and have hairy feet.
I also random decided that they should answer the age-old question, in haiku form.
They have the debate
"So, Batman or Superman?"
of course, Dark Knight wins.
Heh. And, there you go. (There are, sadly, a lot more, but they were either not about Stargate or even worse than those. :)) Have at it!
Also, thanks to
fledge - oh my god
John as a penguin is now totally canon. How did I not know about this before?! o_O