Right now I am being very, very amused. The very cool
Teresa Nielsen Hayden just linked to
Tolkien Sarcasm Page, which has a
Your Homework Done For Free! page, given that rec.arts.books.tolkien is apparently often visited by the people who want the experts to do their homework for them. This includes a useful synopsis of the famously long and complicated plot, maarking down important things for the student to know, like the fact that Bilbo is Frodo's cousin, that Sam has a nice chat to Ungoliant at the end, and that Galadriel is the sister of "the beautiful but evil Queen Beruthiel".
The Times found this particularly helpful.
(Talking of, it looks like Neil Gaiman's legendary patience with the people who keep writing to him saying "plz do my school report on coraline it's due wednsday kthanx"
is wearing a bit thin. Personally, I'm very impressed he hasn't sicced Alan Moore on them yet. And it led to
this, which epitomizes in half a page the many reasons to think he's fantastic. Can you imagine any other famous person ever writing something like that? *sigh* Dammit, Neil is erroding any chance I had of hiding the fact I'm really an obsessive squealy fangirl.)
The other amusing link of the day is
this beautifully succint precis of early American history. My favourite thing has to be "The Dutch flirt with the idea of their own North American empire, but the idea of their own North American empire gives them a fake phone number", ahaha. I apparently have a thing for amusing recaps of things; if anyone knows of any more, then please feel absolutely free to send them my way. My grades might not thank you, but the rest of me will. :)
More seriously, Teresa's husband Patrick Nielsen Hayden managed to
pretty much say anything I ever could have about the whole pope thing. I also actually started reading
Pandagon, which it turns out I should have done ages ago. Excellent, intelligent discussion - check it out.
I was right about the next General Election being on May the 5th. It's no surprise at all, but I am really very miffed that I'm not going to be there. People in the UK, I expect you to stalk the campaign trail and make sure there's video footage or at the very least some decent photos if anyone chucks more manure on Robert Kilroy Silk or John Prescott punches someone again or something. A Greatest Hits tape at the end of every week or something? Heh. Even considering the fact it probably won't be as interesting as the
craziness going on over here (though even that is not providing me with the amusement that the whole
Evil Reptilian Kitten Eater from Another Planet thing did, heh), I demand to be kept in the loop, dammit.
therealjae talks about one aspect of the Terri Schiavo case that I bet you never considered, and shows why you damn well should. If you don't want to read anything else about her since her body died, you should still read this, mostly because it's not really about Terri Schiavo at all.
Finally, this icon was made - by me! *is smug* - from a picture I got off
Pictures of Walls, a site that documents graffiti. It's very cool - although the best one is undoubtedly
this, which is both a thing of a beauty and a joy forever. It is also thematically connected to
response to the process of deciding on a new Pope, a fact which makes me very happy indeed.