... in which I wanna be sedated

Mar 11, 2005 01:47

I am just about THIS FREAKING CLOSE to throwing my iPod out of the window. I'm not going to, because it cost a way higher proprortion of my income than would justify wanton destruction, but ARRRGHHHH.

See, my computer told me I should download the latest versions of the iTunes and iPod software, so I did. Only now I have a blank iPod and iTunes just. keeps. fucking. crashing. every. two. fucking. minutes. and the one time I've managed to re-put all my songs onto my iPod, they don't stay. Or something... my iTunes apparently believes I've filled up my usual amount of my iPod's storage capacity, but I can't find any songs on my iPod when I try to play them manually off the iPod itself, and the iTunes song listing for Alex the iPod is empty. Google has so far failed me, but if anyone has any advice, please, please feel free to offer it.

Apparently naming him after the hero of A Clockwork Orange was a bad idea. Who knew.

The other news is that it's Remus Lupin's birthday. My birthday present to him is my fervent wish that he doesn't get killed off anywhere in the next two books; he is ridiculously, amazingly cool, while also being fucked up and, um, occasionally deadly, and being a geeky fangirl over a fictional werewolf is how I met some of my very favourite people ever, so I think I probably owe him one. Hell, the world owes him one - after getting turned into a werewolf, finally getting friends only for them to die/betray him, and then getting his boyfriend back only for said boyfriend to fall through a curtain to an untimely doom, he needs 1. therapy and 2. lots of chocolate.

Talking of the cool people I have met through Remus love, I am going to visit one of them for the weekend. This is the cause of YAY on a massive, massive scale. TODAY, wheeeeeeeee. Less than twelve hours to go until I get on a plane, now, and I so cannot freaking wait. So, here's to good - and maybe even ridiculously sappy- weekends all round. :D Be excellent to each other, and I shall see you on Monday, if not sooner.

In other news, the mood icon for "infuriated" really shouldn't amuse me quite this much. It's just... he sums it all up so well in one snarly face while still being completely adorable, and hee.

(HEAR THAT, ITUNES? I WILL SIC BETTANY ON YOU. And, thinking about it, Mal as well. BE AFRAID.)

computers, potterania

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