OK, so
rachel2205 asked me about multi-fandom love and asked which fandoms were most important to me and why. My comment got way too big for the comment box, so here it goes. If anyone wants to turn this into a fandom love meme, then please go right ahead, because I am all about discovering what people love and why.
more geekiness begins here )
Is this a sign that I should read them anyway?
This is unfair of me, but...muhahaha...Mary Russell, the protagonist, is a studiously geeky, insistently empirical, utterly non-romance-minded young Jewish scholar...
And maybe when I get back to Blighty and can find the Baker Street picture, I'll post it. :)
And Holmes in love is as Holmes about it as he was about everything else, heh.
Picture gooood. "Back to Blighty" - awwww, that's given me my second homesickness attack of the day...
And when I get back I shall have to send you stuff, if you'd like. :)
I never read Holmes for the "mysteries" - I have a lifelong disinterest in mystery-solving and crime fiction because I'm interested in people and their ways and mores and how events shape them (and for that matter, a lifelong disinterest in crime fact; if the crime in question didn't happen to someone I care about, I don't give a monkey's about it. Serial killers? No thanks, I just put one out. It's called felis domesticus). FVor me, the Holmes stories were all about the social history, the picture they painted of Victoriana and of Conan Doyle's own attitudes. Likewise for Graves' I, Claudius and ( ... )
We do seem to be quite different on that front - I always saw Sherlock's legacy either dying with him or being passed on via the ancient custom of apprenticeship. And while I absolutely love all the stuff the Holmes stories say about people, I also love a good mystery in and of itself; I read true crime books and such for fun. Though I would say that a good mystery is one that tells us something about people, somehow, and I definitely agree with the social history stuff. Mmmm... history geeking ( ... )
Eurgk. I could never love a "perfect" character...as you well know :D Even that certain Lady who seems "perfect" but is definitely oh so human and wracked by doubts and self-deprecation and and and...
I'm getting more confuzzled than ever, and more than a little frustrated (or flustrated, as my beloved ex says). Because I see no reason to change my stated opinions of fandom and fanficdom (and you know what those opinions are!), but I'm faced with several bright wonderful enthusiastic people, yourself and neko_seraph and ridicu_liz among them, who are happily and brightly and enthusiastically neck-deep in the whole fan/fanfic ethos. Ay caramba, what's a Creator to do...
I need a Jeremy-Brett-as-Holmes icon. Dammit.
Oh, and I just received The Eyre Affair as a belated birthday present. Am looking forward to reading it.
And yayayayayay for Jasper Fforde. I love those books. They are distilled geek joy; they're cracked-out fanfic for every book ever written. :D
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