So, my life right now basically consists of snow and work, which is boring, especially as I am, uh, not doing much of the working. I have, however, watched the first season of A Bit of Fry and Laurie, and most of the first season of Scrubs. This means that I am going to geek.
A cup of tea, Control? )
I've thought of another reason why shipping tends to get up my nose: I am a great believer in the principle "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." So when people ship characters who are actual or potential friends and don't unambiguously fancy each other, I can't help feeling that they're trying to diss platonic love. Especially in Harry Potter, where platonic love has saved Harry's lofe repeatedly and romance has hardly done anything meaningful.
And hmm... while I do tend to get rather irritated at "any two people just cause they're hot" shipping, I don't see it as an attempt to diss platonic love. More examples of different kinds of non-romantic love would be nice, but I don't think it denegrates what's already there to speculate that maybe there's also some romantic and sexual aspects to it. I also think we disagree about "unambiguously fancy each other"; my guess is that for you that means some kind of declaration in some way, whereas I'd say that doesn't let you see subtext which is quite often actually intentional, even if not necessarily leading to a Big Relationship OMG. I might have to go on about this at greater length in a proper post soon, actually...
Um, does that make sense?
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