I just randomly googled "Stephen Fry" (... I know, my only excuse is chronic procrastination), and I happened to notice that in the bit where it usually links you to dictionary.com, it actually said it had a definition! And so I found
this. I didn't know Google did that. Cool. (I wonder how they choose which search terms get linked to answers.com and which to dictionary.com, since there'll be a significant overlap. Hmm.)
Um, yes, I'm a dork. Heh. I also didn't know about the
"recent comments" function before today either.
What else... a bunch of people are rather pissed off about the
results of the Brit Awards; personally, I'm quite glad that at least they're not quite as big a travesty as most of the big American ones. I mean, at least they gave Muse the award for Best Live Act, which is pretty cool. :)
I have also discovered that I am really bad about spoilers. I'm OK with the warning that spoilers will be forthcoming, but especially in person, once someone mentions something I know future canon events about, I find it physically difficult to stop myself chattering on in a kind of geeky haze, even when the person has told me repeatedly that I will be defenestrated if I tell them anything. It's kind of bizzare, and I know it must drive people crazy, but trying my hardest has little effect on this. It's such a weird compulsion. Anyway, as part of my effort to change this, I am going to geek out here for a second.
Oh, man. Two seperate friends have just started Jonathan Strange and Horatio Hornblower, and it is DRIVING ME CRAZY. I mean... they're both saying how they're enjoying the respective pieces of geekery, and wondering what happens next! One is talking about how she hopes nothing bad's happened to Archie, and I kept thinking "oh my God, you're saying that and hoping and you don't know that Archie dies and it's awful and gaaaaah". Here's someone falling for my beloved Crumpet and not knowing that it gets so much worse. It's among the most tragic things I can think of - wah, the staggaring into the courtroom, knowing he has only bare minutes to live and determined to give up everything he has left for the friend he loves first. Gaaaaaaah.
And oh man, Jonathan Strange. The friend is at the point where Jonathan meets Arabella, and I want to go on about how fantastic they both are and how much I love them for joking about how very much Jonathan's a dork just as they're about to part perhaps forever. And Stephen Black, who the friend thinks is going to become evil because of the Thistle-Down Haired Man... I can't go "He becomes the King of Faerie! HOW COOL IS THAT?!" I daren't even ask her whether she's guessed who the Thistle-Down Haired Man is yet, because it'd give too much away, and ohhhhhh she likes Norrell and I can't even go on about how much of a dickhead he becomes (even though he redeems himself, in my eyes). I can't even complain about how the ending is driving me nuts despite being brilliant, because while it has to end there really or the story would go on forever, I still felt like I'd only just begun reading and I didn't want it to end, like, ever. Gaaaaaaaah.