Today is a beautiful day.
The weather is perfect - it's cool, but dry, and the trees are the kind of autumn colours that make poets have aneurisms. Soft, perfect golds and dark reds and greens that make me think of
England. Even the mist seems to be designed just to make the view out of my window prettier, if more blurry. And then you've got the city lights against the skyline and the contrast with my nice warm cosy room is... well. Just fab. Cheeriness abounds.
This can also be translated as "I finished my mid-terms today, and now am going to re-read Lord of the Rings while eating my dinner." I've still got papers and presentations and stuff, but not for a while yet, so. *happy sigh* The small things, eh?
Talking of,
this made me laugh so much I figure there's no way I can justify not spamming you all with it. Seriously. It's political!Sims, and, um, has to be seen to be believed. The expressions, people, THE EXPRESSIONS. George and John in their seperate baths, bitching about each other. Hehehehehehhe. And just wait til you get to Cheney bitch-slapping Saddam Hussein.
In other news, I have yet more icons, and they are a thing of beauty and a joy forever. Mmm... icony goodness. And I have officially the
BEST ICON EVER OMG. It's also possibly the nerdiest icon ever, as its brilliance relies on knowing that "nyet" (the Russian for "no") is written as "het", but... it's the world's best anti-vice poster! IN ICON FORM! This will amuse me for years.
(This icon, though, is because it's ridiculously adorable, and the fact I have a Firefly DVD boxset headed my way makes me very happy indeed. *geeksquee*)