Apparently, I'm incapable of writing journal entries before 2am now. Huh. Weird.
Anyway, this post is because I have had an Epiphany. Or, well, OK, so not so much on the enlightenment, but I've found a whole load of pictures of some cool famous people being really, really dorky, and it prompted happy ponders on why I think being silly and dorky is the best thing in the world. It's very sad that being dorky isn't appreciated much.
Anyway, I present for your delectation and delight (particularly since some of you need hugs and good things recently):
Ewan McGregor: World Class Dork. (Yes, I was going tow rite 'first class tongue', actually, but then thought better of it. hee.)
David Boreanaz being - apparently intentionally - hilarious! (This is not on the scale of the genius concept that is
Angel as a Muppet, but it is damn good.)
The LOTR guys were already known as dorks by fangirls across the globe. However, did you know that they are also
being directed by Quentin Tarantino on speed,
fans of Amateur Wrestling While Making Stupid Faces,
Wootmoot copycats and
the Beatles?
Jude Law! Apparently, he is in fact a huge dork and nobody told me. Gah. Check
him creeping,
weilding the flyswatter of doom being given a piggyback by a fellow dork and, um,
And on the subject of flying (wasn't that a smooth transition? Did you see that? Go me!), I was forced into watching Smallville this morning by the very evil
concernedlily and am finding myself disturbingly interested. Might have to watch more. Mmmmm. And
Tom Welling is really rather cute. Dammit. As are the two main guys on The O.C., which I was also forced into watching this morning. Dammit, my friends are so evil!
Or, well, not. *mwah*
Oh, talking of evil, I saw
this, which made me want to phone up the lovely
Lucewise right away, only I would wake her up. (Seriously, though, Luce, click!) And then I got
this particularly awesome quiz result. (Rob and Bob: I beat you both! Mwahahah!)
I think it's a Sign. Hee. (I am apparently embracing my inner Tinhat. Oh dear.)
In other news, anyone with an interest in indie music needs to see
Indiehorse. There's no directly linking but if you go there, then click on [Indiehorse: 2001-2003], you will see things which will make people in computer room stare at you as you laugh hard enough to nearly fall off your chair. Trust me, I know.
I am also pimping
the Anonymous Message Server, but I think I should go to bed soon because while randomly geeking on LJ is fun, it's less good in the morning. Also, I'm in a rather odd mood (lack of food + caffience = spacey!). Whoo!
Oh, and I'm still working on the drabbles for those who wanted them. It's much fun, but way more difficult than I thought. Also, I take forever. So, um, sorry. Probably tomorrow they will all be done, though.
ETA: definitely going to bed now. my code was CRAZY! jesus!