Two cool things happened today.
I had my first Intro to Political Theory lecture today, and it was taken by a completely insane, totally cool, ass-kickin' dyke. I was worried that it was going to be deathly dull and completely divorced from the real world, but then she comes in and starts the lecture on Social Contract Theory - by ranting about places in the world where the government would punish her for having sex with other women and illustrating the difficulties decicing what consitutes 'harm' by scaring the shit out of this poor girl with a story about how she was being secretly stared at by a technician who'd put a camera behind her mirror.
Luckily she then explained that she was just using that as an example we could debate (is the girl being harmed, given that the technician isn't planning on raping her or anything? is it only harm if she knows about it?), but still. Creepy as HELL. I think I'm going to enjoy this course.
I met Rob Grant! For those who don't know why that's exciting, he's one of the people behing
this cool TV series, and an author of several cool books, as well as other things. He's got a new book out - Incompetence - and is doing a signing tour. So he was here today, and I went along.
It was kind of sad, because especially being used to bigger gigs, it seemed incredibly small - he was actually sat there with nobody to sign for for a bit. The main queue was got through in, like, twenty minutes or so. It was rather depressing, poor guy. It did give me and
sephzoni the chance to properly talk to him a bit, though, which was cool. He seems a nice guy - friendly and intelligent and funny. It also turned out that his wife is called Katie and his son is called Joe, which freaked me and Joe out a bit. (He even sang the fucking evil "K-K-K-Katie" song at me, heh.) And the book is dedicated to Joe, which amused us all. Heh. Yes, we're sad.
This foray into a bookshop also meant I had to buy other stuff too, so I finished off my Sandman collection and bought The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon, for the title, and The Well of Lost Plots by Jasper Fforde, because the Guardian told me too. Yayness!
The third thing about today (at least, thing that didn't involve lack of sleep, caffiene, thinking about caffeine or plotting the downfall of the university accomodation department) was that I realised how awesome my
Neil is all over again. The boy likes insane songs too. Yay.
This particular insane song, btw, is in honour of the Neil, and because the State of the Union has me smacking my head against the desk. (Although I am appreciating the genius of Karl Rove.)
People should see the awesome telegram fics
copinggoggles has written for me in her journal. Yes, indeed.
Now I have to go and trek through the rest of The Last of the Mohicans. Urgh, urgh, urgh.
sff_corgi, you were right - it's worse. It's BORING and CRAP and BADLY WRITTEN and ANNOYING. Urgh. It never takes me this long to read a book. *kicks it*
(The one good thing about this book is giggling at how clearly the author's gay. I mean, the women get described as 'beautiful' and so on, yeah. But then everyone's falling over themselves at the beauty of the Native Americans, and practically every other page is a huge thing about the perfection of their bodies and stuff. What else is a girl meant to think? :))
Edited because I'd forgotten to mention the best thing about today -
my wifey is back to internetness. Even if she's in the wrong continent, that is a cause of much joy and celebration at Katie HQ. Whoooo!!