... in which this is a song about a girl who went shopping

Aug 07, 2003 23:47

Today, I'm feeling the need to praise the wonder of Weirdness. You see, most of my friends are, to some extent, weird. Eccentric. Odd. Quirky. This means that it can be easy to forget how unusual most of the things I like and do would seem to a lot of people.

Today, however, I was in the supermarket doing the shopping, and it suddenly struck me. Just an hour before I'd been in Waterstones being a happy book nerd and trying not to buy up all their stock, but in Asda, it was all hassled mothers and screaming children and people who didn't even stop to look at the book display. It reminded me how much I love having a geeky weird world, how much I rely on that. So, to share the love, here are some things I think are fucking fantastic, even if not everybody else does.

: Hilarious meta fic about the Stargate slash fandom.
: Stalin v. Hitler: The Comic, which is odd and hilarious and Russian.
: Obscure British comedy shows
: Being incredibly excited that one of those shows - Black Books - is back! New series is starting November 15th, and I can't wait. Whoo!
: Queerness.
: As my icon suggests, quotes about queerness. Heh.
: Livejournal.
: The fact that basically whenever you go, there are same-sex couples walking down Canal Street hand in hand.
: The fact that somebody bothered to do this.
: this utterly brilliant blonde joke. (And dude, I'm blonde myself. :))

Oh yeah, and you. :)

I also answered some questions.

1. Aside from the obvious Stephen Fry, who is your favourite actor?

Do you know, I don't think I have one? I'm not sure if I'd call Stephen Fry my fave actor, either - it's the whole deal with Stephen, really, as good as his acting is. Since actors can't all do the same parts (for instance Ian McKellen would totally not work in a part that James Gandolfini, say, would rock the house at), it's really hard to compare at all. This is also my problem when trying to choose a favourite author. :)

Hmm... possibly Colin Firth. I get fangirly about him in a way I don't about almost any other actor. Or Ewan McGregor, since he manages to be a good actor and absolutely gorgeous in an unconventional way. It's a tough choice, heh.

Though actually, the best actor I've ever seen is this guy I went to high school and college with called Alvin. If anyone deserves to make it big in the film industry, it's him.

2. If you could have cast PoA, who would you pick for whom?

Heh. Well...

My Remus (as close as can be, anyway), is Ewan McGregor. With aging makeup, admittedly, but - yeah. :D

Sirius would probably be Jason Carter (although he is not as much my Sirius as Ewan is my Remus - he's too pretty).

For Peter, I can't think of anyone better than we're actually getting - the awesome Timothy Spall. (And I linked to that picture specifically because not only is it from one of my favourite films, it has a rat in. Hee hee.) My only problem here is that he's too tall, but good use of camera angles should be able to sort that out.

3. If, for some reason, JKR wrote H/Hr into canon, would you continue reading with the same amount of believability you do now?

I honestly don't know. I think that JKR could probably make H/H okay if she did write it, but the whole... attitude of H/H seems so intrisically against everything I believe about the HP books that I just can't imagine it ever happening. If it did, I'd probably end up re-evaluating my canon views a hell of a lot. I would probably keep reading though... I like to think so.

4. Billeh or Dom?

Ow. Evil. Heh. I think I'm going with Dommage, as being closer to my age and also Mancunian. Whooo! (Although of course we all know they're happily shacked up with each other, so... *ahem* Heheh.)

5. When you are older, should you get married, would you ever want children?

Well, the married bit is a whole nother kettle of fish on its own, heh, but the answer I think is no. I've done a lot of looking after kids in my time, and anything more than a few hours is incredibly stressful. While I managed not to actually strangle anyone when looking after kids for days at a time, I really don't know if I could handle it on a permanant basis.

Also, I get the very definite sense I would be a freaking terrible mother. Heh. The idea of that kind of direct responsibility for a human life scares the crap out of me.

mancunian, fandom, memesheep, le random

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