History this morning was evil. Gah. Psychosomatic queasiness sucks, and I could have bloody done without the shakiness too. Makes it difficult to write, dammit.
Yeah, I need to calm down about these things, heh.
Anyway, the actual questions were okay, I think. I hope my answers made some kind of sense at least, though I did end up having to cross out nearly a third of a page of writing because I realised that I'd drifted onto a topic not covered by the time period specified in the question.
God, I hate history exams. It frustrates me so much, because I love the subject but I just never got the hang of the exams at all. I do well by luck, rather than anything else - you get good grades by knowing what's most relevant to the question, and I always find everything relevant. And I can't quite get the thought out of my head that this paper was 40% of my A2 mark, and if I have done as badly as I can convince myself I have, then I Am Screwed.
It's over now, though, so all I can do is forget about it. And I did have a lovely study group session about the English lit synoptic exam today. It was quite amusing - I produced the book that it seems most the exam is on, explaining that I had a copy if anyone wanted to borrow it, since I'd already read it ages ago and loved it (Julian Barnes rocks!) and Becca, Sarah and Kay all grinned and went 'We should have guessed', heheh. Ah, the joys of being a geek. We also got a lot of work done, amazingly enough given the number of tangents we managed to go down (from cannibalism to Catholicism to the Lord Chancellor to HP, heh). I'm pretty confident about the exam tomorrow - at least I think I am, heh. I'm not sure I'd be able to tell any more, frankly.
Okay, now the stuff I actually want to talk about. :D
I'm going to start packing for Geekmoot in, like, just a minute! It's tomorrow! TOMORROW. Man, I am so ridiculously excited about this. It's better than Christmas, it really is. Wow. Though I must admit that I'm more excited about the Moot than I am about the canon. And I just love how happy and excited the whole fandom is in anticipation - this is why we're here in the first place, and it's nice to truly get back to that and away from the random fandom angst.
JKR interview tonight, and I AM going to watch it, godammit. I plan to make notes and write it up afterwards, too, heh, at least if it turns out to be interesting enough to merit a write-up. Would any of you people be other than terribly bored if I did? I mean, this plumbs the depths of pathetic geekery, even for me, heh.
Tomorrow. Bloody hell. Tomorrow. TOMORROW.
Also, it's both
seviet and
zsenya's birthdays today! Clearly an auspicious day for births around the world. :) Many happy returns, the pair of you!