apologies are tough... but here we go
Dear friends
I'm sorry for not acting like a friend and not talking to you more often. I'm sorry for being stingy when you let me borrow things all the time. im sorry for being to caught up in my "image" because it really doesnt mean anything. I'm sorry for never really listening. I'm sorry for being immature, egotisitc. I'm sorry for lashing out at you. i'm sorry for being melodramatic. im sorry for being a b*tch and an attention hog. I'm sorry for wanting you to compromise what you want to accomodate me. I apologive for being bossy and inconsiderate. i apologize for not being prepared and doing my share of the work. I'm sorry for making everybody's week suck. i really need this weekend to figure everything out. i promise i'll change
please forgive me,