Yup so Wondercon was this past weekend. And yup, it was amazing. Even more amazing than last year I must say.
So Friday started out with a BSG panel featuring Richard Hatch rambling on about how the SyFy channel doesn't get sci-fi and all that. Which I actually completely agree with and if they cancel Caprica, I will die. But that's not the point...
And it finished with Kevin Smith! Who was frakking hilarious.
And Saturday we pretty much just sat in the big ballroom all day watching panels. First of all was Disney! And Prince of Persia with Jake Gyllenhal!
And then the Sorcerer's Apprentice which is apparently (loosely) based of the Fantastia cartoon starring Mickey, though this movie is live action and has no Mickey. Still has brooms though. And Nicolas Cage and Jay Baruchel! It looks mighty silly, but I'll probably still see it.
Finally for Disney was Pixar with Toy Story 3! With surprise guest, John Ratzenberger!
And voice people with the director!
And I'm skipping the Resident Evil panel because let's be honest, this movie looks just as crappy as the rest, and frankly I can't stand Ali Larter...if you want to see the one picture, check my photobucket...Moving on! The WB panel that began with The Losers starring Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Zoe Saldana and some other people. Looks pretty good
Still for WB was Nightmare on Elm Street starring Jackie Earle Haley and his Rorschach voice as Freddie Crueger (how the hell do you spell that?) And also some other kids...
And finally with the WB...CHRISTOPHER FUCKING NOLAN! Ok, that's probably not really his middle name, but he's just that epic. Ugh, I love him and everything he does, I can't wait to see Inception.
After WB was the Kick Ass panel, and Nicolas Cage yet again! So he had laringitis or so he said and he sounded absolutely RIDICULOUS and kept rambling on and on about nothing. It was awesome and hilarious.
So after we left that room finally, we made our way down to the exhibit hall to get our swag bags from WB. There were 3 shirts and a tote bag inside! Woo, free stuff! Anyways, then we got to see the Doctor Who episode! More on that later.
Sunday! Only two panels this day, Human Target first, and OMG we were in the seventh row! Eeeeee!!!!! Jackie Earle Haley was back with Mark Valley, I've never actually seen this show but it looks alright. Mostly I just love Jackie though haha.
And one more shot of Jackie XD
And the last panel, CHUCK!
And they're "Ghost" impression...
And here's some random shots from around the con:
Dalek Dress!
I looked up on the way into the Doctor Who showing and saw parts of Bumblebee...I thought it looked silly.
Brett Spiner and whatshisface that played Q!
And finally some rad steampunk guys
If you want to see the rest, they're
Here So I kind of loved the episode overall. Amy Pond is a great companion, and I'll think she'll hold her own against the Doctor. The TARDIS is gorgeous! It's all big and pretty and there's stairs! We better see other rooms! The Doctor is much better than I expected, but it's still going to take a while for him to grow on me...I think someone in the Doctor Who comm nailed it, he's like the Doctor's little brother. I mean, he has big shoes to fill after Tennant. And it will take a few more episodes to solidify him in my mind as the Doctor I think, but I have no doubt that he will. And OMG BILL NIGHY is going to be on it this season! Squee!!!!!!!! But yeah, the episode was great overall, and who didn't get a little teary-eyed when they showed all the old Doctors? That was great, and the old villains and man, that was awesome.
Ok, back to reading Sherlock Holmes XD Also, how flipping excited am I for Iron Man 2?!